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Virtual reality therapy returns the patient to trauma.Why some people swear it


“VR is not the solution,” said Jonathan Rogers, a researcher at University College London who studies the incidence of anxiety disorders during a pandemic. “This may be part of the solution, but it doesn’t mean that medications and formal treatments are out of date.”

Virtual reality treatments are not always more effective than traditional long-term exposure therapies. Cheryl. However, for some patients, VR provides convenience and allows them to immerse themselves in scenes that are difficult to reproduce in real life. For some people, this remedy can mimic the video game system they are already familiar with. Also, patients who use virtual reality have a double perception. The images on the screen look almost real, but the headset itself acts as a proof that they aren’t real.

A few months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Dr. Difede and Dr. Hunter Hoffman said University of Washington Virtual Reality Research CenterWe tested virtual reality treatment in one survivor of acute PTSD, one of the first reported applications of treatment. Dr. Difede said the patient started crying when he first put on the headset. “I never expected the World Trade Center to be seen again,” she told Dr. Difede. After a 6-hour session, the patient 90% decrease With symptoms of PTSD. Dr. Difede was later tested Iraq War Veterans VR Exposure Therapy16 of the first 20 patients no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD after completion of treatment.

At the University of Central Florida UCF restore Has been building trauma therapy using VR. This allows clinicians to control the level of detail in the simulation, down to the colors of bedspreads and televisions that can be clicked on or off, to more easily trigger traumatic memory. The program provides Florida residents with free trauma therapy, often using VR, and focuses on the treatment of PTSD.

Dr. Deborah Beidel, a professor of psychology and executive director of UCF Restores, goes beyond visual treatment and even customizes sounds and odors to create augmented reality for patients.

Former Marine Jonathan Tissue, 35, sought treatment at UCF Restores in early 2020 because talk therapy and medications failed to relieve his PTSD symptoms, including flashbacks, anxiety, and mood swings. In addition, it was the smell that was pushed into the room while explaining military service to the clinician that helped him unravel his memory. There was a foul odor of burning tires, diesel smoke, and the smell of rotten corpses. He heard the sound of ammunition being fired. His chair shook thanks to the simulated vibration of the center.

“It unlocked certain doors where I could start talking,” he said. He talked with therapists and support groups about newly revealed memories and dealt with the horrors that had accumulated in his body over the years.

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