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Rubio warns ISIS-K could exploit US southern border after deadly Moscow attack

Rubio warns ISIS-K could exploit US southern border after deadly Moscow attack


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As the U.S. southern border becomes a growing issue for voters, Sen. Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, warned Sunday that ISIS-K terrorists could attempt to exploit the border to launch an attack against Americans, like the deadly attack that the group carried out. claimed to have executed him on Friday in Moscow.

Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said during an appearance on ABC's “This Week” that Americans “should be very concerned” about the potential threat of ISIS-K after the FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed to him that the terrorist group had its own human trafficking network.

“I think common sense tells you that if they are running a human trafficking ring, they will most certainly use it to move agents into the United States,” Rubio said. “So I'm not claiming that there is an imminent threat to the United States, but I am saying that the border situation and the existence of this network poses a threat to the United States.”

“If they could do what they did in Moscow, in the United States, they would do it in a heartbeat,” Rubio added. “They want to do it.”


Rubio warned that the terrorist group ISIS-K could attempt to infiltrate the United States through the southern border after the group claimed responsibility for the deadly attack at a Moscow concert hall. (Getty Images)

More than 130 people were killed and at least 154 injured Friday at a concert hall in a Moscow suburb. Russian authorities said they had apprehended 11 suspects in connection with the attack.

The Islamic State group, aka ISIS, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack in a statement posted on its affiliated social media channels. The intelligence community said it believed the Islamic State-affiliated organization in Afghanistan, called Islamic State Khorasan, or “ISIS-K” as it is known, carried out the attack, an official said American at Fox News.


ISIS-K is the same terrorist group that killed 13 US service members at Abbey Gate during the hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

A massive fire was seen on Friday above the town hall in Crocus, west of Moscow, Russia, after several gunmen burst into a concert hall and fired into the crowd. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Rubio said that since the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan, the terrorist group can now operate openly despite opposition from the Taliban, who he said do not have “the capacity” to confront them.

Rubio also claims that ISIS-K's aspirations go beyond infiltration from Iran and Russia.


“They would love to do what they did in Moscow here in the United States,” the senator said. “And that’s something we have to be very vigilant about when we have a border that 9 million people have passed through in the last three years.”




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