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US Congress prepares aid spending package for Israel and Ukraine

US Congress prepares aid spending package for Israel and Ukraine


Welcome back to World Brief, where we examine efforts by the US Congress to decouple aid to Israel and Ukraine, the devastating fire in Denmark, and the latest growth forecasts from the International Monetary Fund's G-7.

Welcome back to World Brief, where we examine efforts by the US Congress to decouple aid to Israel and Ukraine, the devastating fire in Denmark, and the latest growth forecasts from the International Monetary Fund's G-7.

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US House Speaker Mike Johnson announced Monday that he plans to present a new national security spending package to Congress this week. The four-part package aims to finally pass long-stalled foreign aid legislation, decoupling Ukrainian aid from Israeli aid while appeasing Republicans who opposed past funding measures. The vote could take place as early as 72 hours after the text is published, allowing lawmakers to read the drafts and propose amendments.

The package is currently divided into four separate bills, reflecting the bulk of the $95.3 billion aid package passed by the Senate in February, which allocated $60 billion to Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel, $9 billion for humanitarian aid to Gaza and $5 billion to India. -Pacific allies are trying to counter China.

Under Johnson's plan, House members would have to approve aid to Israel and Ukraine separately. The money destined for kyiv would be used to manufacture munitions in the United States and replenish American military stockpiles. A third bill would help Taiwan and other U.S. allies. And a fourth would address various Republican wishes, including requiring countries to repay some of the aid they were given, with other funds financed through the sale of seized Russian assets, and forcing TikTok's parent company , ByteDance, to divest from the popular social media app or face a ban. The House approved a similar TikTok bill with bipartisan support last month, but the Senate has since remained stalled.

We know the world is watching to see how we respond, Johnson said. They are watching whether America will defend its allies and our interests around the world, and we will.

The Iranian strike on Israel last Saturday increased pressure on Johnson to hold a vote on Israeli aid. Yet the Speaker of the House continues to face opposition from the far left and far right. Some liberal Democrats have protested Washington's unrestricted sending of funds to Israel, pointing to the Israeli military attack on a humanitarian aid convoy on April 1 that killed seven volunteers, the escalation of violence in the West Bank and the worsening famine in Gaza.

It's unclear whether Johnson's proposal includes sending about $9 billion in aid to Gaza. There is no circumstance in which we could support anything that does not include humanitarian aid, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries told Axios.

Meanwhile, some conservative lawmakers condemned Johnson's decision to advance funds for Ukraine unrelated to border security provisions that the Republican Party wants and Democrats oppose. On Tuesday, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie announced he would co-sponsor Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's resolution to oust Johnson from the presidency for failing to include migration reforms at the U.S. southern border in the proposed expenses. Massie did not say when they might implement this resolution. I will not resign, Johnson said Tuesday.

On Monday, Biden administration officials said the plan must include aid to both Ukraine and Israel, and Senate majority and minority leaders urged Johnson to adopt the plan as is. of $95.3 billion approved by the Senate. That means that even if Johnson's bill passes the House, where Republicans hold a slim majority, its passage in the Senate remains uncertain.

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Remarkable performance. The American economy is expected to grow twice as fast as that of other G7 countries, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast on Tuesday. High household spending and investment explains the 2.7% increase this year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the latest IMF forecast. Canada had the second best performance with 1.2 percent, and Germany had the lowest with 0.2 percent.

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