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Biden says he will urge U.S. trade representative to consider tripling tariffs on Chinese steel, aluminum imports

Biden says he will urge U.S. trade representative to consider tripling tariffs on Chinese steel, aluminum imports


Speaking Wednesday at the American Steelworkers headquarters in Pittsburgh, President Joe Biden said he would ask the U.S. Trade Representative to consider tripling tariffs on Chinese imports of steel and aluminum and other protections for the U.S. steel and aluminum industry.

The Pennsylvania-born president, emphasizing the importance of the swing state in November's election, said Wednesday that it was Pittsburgh and union workers who elected him before, and that he would return the favor. The president told his supporters in the crowd: “You support me and I promise to support you. »

“The backbone of America has a spine of steel,” Mr. Biden said. “He really has a spine of steel. You've heard me say it before: Wall Street didn't build America; the middle class built America, and you built the middle class – the unions l 'have built. And that's why I'm here today: to announce a series of actions that (show) that I stand with you, America's steelmaker.”

Mr Biden said he would urge US Trade Representative Katherine Tai to triple China's tariffs on steel and aluminum from their current rate of 7.5% if the USTR finds, during an ongoing investigation that the Chinese are engaging in anti-competitive business practices in the steel sector. and the aluminum industry. The White House says American workers face “unfair competition” from Chinese imports and that high-quality American products are being undermined by “artificially low-priced” Chinese alternatives that use higher emissions, according to a White House fact sheet.

The president said China is also shipping steel and aluminum first through Mexico to avoid U.S. tariffs, which the United States will work with Mexico to prevent. Tai is also launching an investigation into Chinese practices in the maritime, shipbuilding and logistics sectors, the White House said.

Mr. Biden took the opportunity during his speech on Wednesday to lambast former President Donald Trump, whom the president referred to only as “my predecessor.” Without mentioning the ongoing criminal trial in New York against the former president, Mr. Biden noted that his predecessor was “busy,” drawing laughter from the audience.

“Taken together, these are strategic and targeted actions that will protect American workers and ensure fair competition,” Mr. Biden said on Wednesday. “Meanwhile, my predecessor and MAGA Republicans want across-the-board tariffs on all imports from all countries, which could seriously harm American consumers.”

The president later told reporters he was not concerned that possible tariffs could affect his relations with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

President Joe Biden, right, and USW International President David McCall, center, both emerge from behind a curtain to begin greeting steelworkers at USW headquarters, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Alex Brandon / PA

The steel and aluminum announcement comes amid the proposed sale of US Steel to Japanese company Nippon Steel, which the president strongly opposes. U.S. Steel should remain an American company, Mr. Biden said Wednesday, and “it’s going to happen, I promise you.”

As the president continues his three-day tour of Scranton, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, his campaign is launching a five-day, six-figure advertising blitz highlighting Mr. Biden's pro-union positions. Pennsylvania is a battleground state in November, with Trump and Mr. Biden neck and neck in national polls.

“Scranton values ​​or Mar-a-Lago values,” Mr. Biden said during a speech in Scranton on Tuesday, referring to Trump's luxury resort in Florida. “These are competing visions for our economy, and they raise questions of fundamental fairness at the heart of his campaign.”

Bo Erickson contributed to this report

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