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British small boat policymakers have cited bloody migrants, officials say | Immigration and Asylum

British small boat policymakers have cited bloody migrants, officials say |  Immigration and Asylum


A senior civil servant said Cabinet officials setting policy on small boats had mentioned the bloody migrants and that they were expected to leave their humanity at the door.

Rowaa Ahmar on Wednesday withdrew her court filing alleging brutal and systemic racism in the department but said she stands by it.

In an interview with the Guardian, Amar described inhumane conversations at the Illegal Migration Task Force, where he served as policy director for 2022. She said the Rwandan planners ignored legal advice and set up an ambush on the Treasury. Costs of carrying out the plan.

Amar, who has dual Egyptian and French ancestry, raised concerns about racism and said he increasingly missed attending meetings until he was told by the Treasury that his secondment would be abruptly ended due to poor behaviour.

A task force was assembled to deal with the arrival of small boats crossing the Channel. Ahmar said he had been advised by France that it was unacceptable to use diversionary tactics to turn the boats away because of the enormous risk, but that the people in the room did not care if these men died.

When the high costs of the scheme were revealed, she said: I do not mention this to the Treasury. We were told they wanted to ambush them. And basically this is what they ended up doing. They set an ambush and wasted taxpayers' money on the floor.

Rowaa Ahmar withdrew her court claim alleging cruel and systematic racism in the Cabinet Office but said she stood by it.

Employment tribunal hearings involving the Cabinet Office and senior civil servants began on Monday alleging a hostile and racist working environment, but the case was withdrawn on Wednesday. Ahmar filed two lawsuits, alleging direct discrimination and harassment based on her gender and race, as well as victimization.

The Cabinet Office said her claims were completely unfounded and pointed out that Ahmar had withdrawn the case without making the payment. She left because she was starting her new job on Friday and she didn't want to spend a month in court, she said.

Describing the discussions that led to the decision about the small boat, she said: I spied dehumanizing conversations using words like let's boomerang, let's take bloody migrants, let's take them to Cat C and treat them as prisoners.

She added: “I cannot disclose the legal advice, but I hope it will be respected.”

Ahmar said in court papers that she tried to focus the small boat policy on gangs and move the debate away from bias and accusations, but managers viewed her as complicit in the racist extreme hostility associated with the boomerang (no return) policy. As an unwelcome visitor to the task force.

In an interview, Ahmar said that the entire Illegal Migration Task Force was really inept, made up of people who either knew nothing about migration or didn't really understand why people wanted to come to this country. She added: What is currently happening with the Rwanda plan is the task force's fault.

The Rwandan bill now faces further delays after opposition in the Senate amid rising costs.

Ahmar said the taskforce was looking at migration from a very narrow perspective and did not want to look into safe and legal routes to bring asylum seekers to the UK.

Ultimately, Ahar said she was not comfortable serving as policy director on a task force that talked about topics such as: [using] Using turnaround tactics can basically kill you. She said the officials are all white. They don't understand how hard it is for immigrants to be here.

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Ahmar told the newspaper: I believe that speaking out against racism is a professional death sentence. [taskforce].

In documents, the Cabinet Office alleges that during her first six weeks on the taskforce, her behavior was negative and problematic, causing colleagues to feel unduly burdened, disrespected or undermined, and concerns were raised that such behavior amounted to bullying.

Ahmar was first on secondment from the Treasury before Cop26 in 2021, where he became chief of staff, before being ordered to leave the climate summit early after complaining of bullying and harassment.

An internal investigation found that her bullying, harassment and discrimination complaints against managers were partially upheld as bullying, but did not appear to have malice and were a matter of communication.

Ahmar, who worked in the civil service for 12 years, said he distinguished himself at the Treasury, respected his colleagues and thought it was a great place to work, but said the Cabinet Office was very different. She said she met people at senior levels who were very incompetent and didn't know how to make policy.

She said her motivation was not political but that she wanted to hold the Cabinet Office to account.

The Cabinet Office said the allegations against Amar were completely unfounded and that she had raised 82 issues and named at least 27 individuals.

He added: “The Cabinet Office has always categorically denied all allegations regarding this incident.” We were prepared to vigorously defend them in court. The claimant has now withdrawn the entire case and no payment has been made, including legal costs.

As we set out in our response to the court, the allegations contain a number of simple allegations of a very serious nature that are unfounded. Some of their own evidence is inconsistent, and there is often clearly contradictory evidence.

The hard-working officers of the Illegal Immigration Task Force were carrying out one of the government's top priorities. They have helped arrest hundreds of smugglers and prevented tens of thousands of dangerous small boat crossings.




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