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Ultra-processed foods: the new silent killer

Ultra-processed foods: the new silent killer


Ultra-processed foods, from sodas to cereals to packaged snacks to processed meats, are full of additives. Oils, fats, sugars, starches, sodium, and emulsifiers such as carrageenan, monoglycerides, diglycerides, carboxymethyl cellulose, polysorbates, and soy lecithin continue to strip foods of healthy nutrients and at the same time have the potential to harm human health. It also incorporates certain other ingredients.

Hundreds of novel ingredients never encountered in human physiology are now included in nearly 60 percent of the average adult's diet and nearly 70 percent of the average child's diet in the United States.

It is well known that obesity and lack of physical activity are causes of avoidable morbidity and mortality in the United States, but another emerging danger is that these ultra-processed This is an unprecedented intake of food. This could be a new “silent killer” similar to hypertension, which has gone unrecognized for the past few decades.

Physicians at Florida Atlantic University's Schmidt School of Medicine investigated this hypothesis, providing important insights for health care providers facing a battle where the entertainment industry, food industry, and public policy do not align with patient needs. Their findings are published in the following commentary: American Medical Journal.

Those of us who work in health care in the United States today find ourselves in a disgraceful and unique position. We are the first group of medical professionals to lead the decline in life expectancy in the last 100 years. Our life expectancy is lower than other economically comparable countries. Looking at the rate of increase in non-communicable diseases in developing countries, we see this increase tracking with increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods in the diet. ”

Dawn H. Schirling, MD, corresponding author, associate program director for internal medicine training, and associate professor of medicine, FAU Schmidt School of Medicine

Professional organizations such as the American College of Cardiology warn patients to “choose minimally processed foods over ultra-processed foods” in their 2021 Dietary Guidelines, but they warn patients to “choose minimally processed foods over ultra-processed foods.” There is no defined definition, and some health foods may fall into the category of ultra-processed foods.

“When food components are contained within a natural whole food matrix, they are digested more slowly and less efficiently, resulting in less calorie extraction, generally lower glycemic load, and postprandial “There is a lower elevation of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, which can lead to atherosclerotic plaques,” said senior author Alison, associate professor and professor of medicine and director of the FAU Schmidt School of Medicine Internal Medicine Residency Program.・Dr. H. Ferris said. “So even if pesky additives are removed from ultra-processed foods, there will still be concerns that overconsumption of these products can lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.”

The authors added that public health agencies are increasingly utilizing the NOVA classification system. This classification system divides foods into four categories: natural foods, cooking ingredients (such as butter, oil, and salt), and traditional processed foods (such as bread and yogurt). (few ingredients), and ultra-processed foods – or foods that are industrially made and use ingredients not typically found in home kitchens.

According to the authors, one plausible mechanism to explain this risk is that ultra-processed foods contain emulsifiers and other additives that are poorly digested by the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. They may act as a food source for our microbiota and, as such, may cause dysbiosis of the gut microbiome that may promote disease within a suitable host.

“Additives such as maltodextrin may promote a mucosal layer that is friendly to certain species of bacteria that are common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease,” Schirling said. “If the mucosal layer is not properly maintained, the epithelial cell layer can be more susceptible to damage. This has been shown in feeding studies using carrageenan in humans and in mice using polysorbate-80 and cellulose gum. It has been shown in other studies in the model to trigger an immune response. The Host.”

The authors added that colorectal cancer is increasing markedly in the United States, especially among young adults. They believe increased consumption of ultra-processed foods may be a contributing factor, as well as several other gastrointestinal diseases.

“Whether ultra-processed foods are contributing to the current rise in non-communicable diseases needs to be directly tested in well-designed analytical studies,” said Charles H. said Dr. Hennekens (co-author, First Sir Richard Dole). Professor and Senior Academic Advisor, School of Medicine, FAU Schmidt School of Medicine. “In the meantime, we believe all health care professionals have a duty to discuss with their patients the benefits of increasing their consumption of whole foods and decreasing their consumption of ultra-processed foods.”

The authors also note that just as the dangers of tobacco began to surface in the middle of the last century, a preponderance of evidence and the efforts of progressive health officials prompted policy changes to discourage tobacco use. He also believes that several decades have passed since then. A similar path is likely to follow for ultra-processed foods, they say.

“The multinational corporations that produce ultra-processed foods have as much or more power than the tobacco companies of the last century, and governments are quick to influence policies that promote natural foods and discourage tobacco companies from smoking.” “It is unlikely that we will be able to move towards consumption of ultra-processed foods,'' Schirling said. “Importantly, health care providers should continue to recognize that many patients have difficulty finding healthier options that they can afford, and that broader public health A higher response is required.”




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