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Centuries-old artworks saved from Copenhagen Stock Exchange fire | WTAQ News Discussion | 97.5 FM 1360 AM

Centuries-old artworks saved from Copenhagen Stock Exchange fire |  WTAQ News Discussion |  97.5 FM 1360 AM


COPENHAGEN (Reuters) Art restorers are assessing the damage to century-old paintings salvaged from the fire that destroyed Copenhagen's Old Stock Exchange this week, the National Museum of Denmark said on Thursday.

As fire ravaged Copenhagen's 400-year-old landmark on Tuesday, passersby jumped off their bikes to help firefighters, restorers and soldiers recover valuable paintings.

It had to be quick, Nina Wajman, curator at the National Museum of Denmark, told Reuters.

Conservators salvaged the paintings from the half of the building that had not caught fire, while firefighters wearing smoke helmets and soldiers from the Royal Life Guards salvaged the paintings from the burning part and loaded them to haste in trucks.

They may not have done it like an art expert would, but that's minor, I think, Wajman said.

She entered the building to retrieve an oil portrait of Christian IV, the 17th-century king of Denmark who oversaw the construction of the building, originally built for commodity trading.

I wasn't sure if he had been saved, so I went to look for him and he was still there, Wajman said.

Some paintings were seriously damaged by water, fire or because they were hastily torn off the walls.

Conservators are still inspecting the paintings, which were taken to a repository at the National Museum, and trying to get an idea of ​​the damage and what is missing.

We focused a lot on the valuable items inside the building. But the problem was that I needed all my firefighters to contain the fire for as long as possible, Greater Copenhagen fire chief Jakob Vedsted Andersen told Reuters.

So we had to ask people for help to bring out the paintings and sculptures, he said.

Employees of the nearby Danish Chamber of Commerce, including its CEO, helped transport paintings up to 3 meters wide to part of the nearby Christiansborg Palace.

Local resident Klavs Lockwood was at the scene early Tuesday.

These paintings were very large and heavy, so I quickly offered to help, he said.

He said the painting he helped carry was torn in several places.

You could see that it had been removed from the wall in a hurry.

(Reporting by Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Louise Breusch Rasmussen, Isabelle Yr Carlsson and Tom Little. Editing by Jane Merriman)




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