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Lambert set to close Las Vegas Strip theme party | Kats | Entertainment

Lambert set to close Las Vegas Strip theme party |  Kats |  Entertainment


Miranda Lambert checked all the boxes at Bakkt Theater, including the one marked “Check.”

The Country superstar made that possible Wednesday night, when she brought “The Velvet Rodeo” back to Planet Hollywood. Lambert presented a check for $140,000 to the MuttNation Foundation, which supports and supports animal adoptions across the country.

Since beginning its Strip production in September 2022, Lambert has donated $1 from every ticket sold to the organization.

The “Tin Man” singer was also the most recent recipient of The Key to the Las Vegas Strip. Clark National Commissioner Marilyn Kirkpatrick presented the honor before Wednesday night's performance and also declared March 20 Miranda Lambert Day.

Taken together, all of this means Lambert rides “The Velvet Rodeo” into the sunset. The show's blazing (for real) start will take place on April 6 (tickets for the remaining performances, including this weekend, are available at

Lambert likened his production to a “theme party,” naturally being “rodeo.”

“If you have a theme party at your house, it will already be more fun because everyone has the attitude to dress up and show up to have a good time,” says Lambert. “It definitely brings a different energy to the shows, definitely.”

Lambert brings her own energy to the dance, in the form of a pyro jacket that shoots sparks from the sleeves. The item adds fire to “Gunpowder & Lead”. She donned the jacket again on Wednesday, one of a half-dozen outfits she alternated between during her Vegas show.

“It’s one of my favorite parts of this residency, the wardrobe,” Lambert says. “I don't really care about clothes. I'm a jeans and t-shirt girl, through and through. But she experienced a change in attitude, so to speak, a few years ago after visiting the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame and in Fort Worth, Texas.

“They had all these vintage rodeo costumes, and that inspired my whole rodeo wardrobe that I have now,” Lambert says. “I mean, boots and bangs are kind of my thing (laughs).”

Lambert's shows are paced to add punch to some production numbers, including “Tequila Does,” “Little Red Wagon” and “Kerosene,” with his cryptic lyric “I got the hell out of Oklahoma” (fans performed this one). for about five years now).

But Lambert notes it during hearty recitations of “Carousel” and “Tin Man.” In what became a study in intrusive fan behavior and a superstar's threshold for patience, Lambert stopped singing while a group of women took selfies (with flashes) directly in front of the stage.

Lambert has been on all sides of this issue. She is a social media practitioner herself, supporting her friend and fellow headliner Carrie Underwood at Resorts World Theater.

“When I go to shows and when I saw Carrie, I took six or seven photos and videos, because I wanted to post about it and say, 'Hey, y'all need to see this!' It’s awesome!’” Lambert said. “But it only lasts 10 seconds, and I was there 95% of the time. There is a way to do it, there is a way to engage, to promote the show and to help the artists.

Just use your best judgment, rodeo fans.

“There is also being in the present. I want to look you in the eyes, have you look me in the eyes, and I want you to be here because I worked really hard to get here,” Lambert says. “I want to give you the best performance possible.”

And if your attention wanders, it will ignite the jacket.

Flav, the boss takes the time

Flavor Flav's An ever-present clock necklace (or clock necklace, depending on choice) tells him precisely when to check in for an epic moment. It was Friday night when Flav met Bruce Springsteen backstage at the T-Mobile Arena before Springsteen's exhilarating performance.

Tease that…

How about two more dates for Wu-Tang Clan at the Virgin Hotel Theater. When? Do you remember the night of September 21? Maybe then. But definitely this month.

And that …

Also at Virgin, drag the icon Frank Marin returns to resident status at 24 Oxford, 4pm on Sundays until the end of the year. He's having too much fun to stop, just like the ghost of Joan Rivers.

Siegel squared

Wednesday, I narrowly missed David Siegel at Siegel's Bagelmania. He is not the owner of the deli. He founded Westgate Resorts. But Siegel was there, in the Power Booth, meeting Steven Siegel, but who East owner of Bagelmania and also of Siegel Suites.

Amid widespread confusion about whether they were related (they're not), the Siegels had never met until last week. When they met, Steven asked David, “Should I call you 'daddy,' because everyone thinks you're my dad.”

But seriously, this summit is anything but trivial. They talk business. Expect something from this Siegel collision.

Cool suspension alert

We're planning a Cool Hang that hasn't been officially announced yet, but we're excited – excited, I tell you! – For Brian Newman “After Dark” to return to NoMad Library. Newman shows all follow Lady Gaga “Jazz + Piano” performances, from June 19 to July 6. We just need the formal signal “go ahead” to book. Check, for now, for Gaga.

John Katsilometes' column appears daily in Section A. His “PodKats!” the podcast can be found at Contact him at [email protected]. Follow @johnnykats on X, @JohnnyKats1 on Instagram.




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