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Monticello Wine Week kicks off in Charlottesville

Monticello Wine Week kicks off in Charlottesville


Virginias Monticello wine region has much to celebrate.

The region was named Wine Enthusiast magazine's 2023 Wine Region of the Year, Crozet-based King Family Vineyards won the Commonwealth's highest honor for winemakers at the 2024 Governors Cup competition, Trump Winery won five impressive gold medals at the same competition and the total number of wineries on the Monticello Wine Trail has grown to 44, four more than when the Wine Enthusiast distinction was awarded just five months ago.

Central Virginia wineries once again dominate Governor's Cup competition, but win fewer gold medals

A single toast would hardly honor so many achievements. So why not a whole Wine Week?

The Monticello Wine Trail, a federation of Charlottesville-area winemakers located within a 25-mile radius of the city, will host a week of festivities starting Friday to celebrate not only the award-winning wine produced in the region, but also the people behind the vintages. .

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King Family Vineyards winemaker Matthieu Finot, left, shakes hands with Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, right, on stage after winning the Governor's Cup during the 42nd Virginia Governor's Cup Gala at Main Street Station in Richmond on Thursday March 7, 2024.


There will be individual events toasting the region's red, white, rosé and sparkling wines, as well as an inaugural golf tournament to give sports fans some time outside on a spring day to raise funds to inspire a new generation of wine professionals.

King Family Vineyards wins Governor's Cup

Proceeds from the tournament will fund scholarships for the next Oeno Camp in July, according to Tracey Love, who manages sales, marketing and events for Blenheim Vineyards, the winery just south of Charlottesville owned by the recent Rock inductee & Roll Hall of Fame Dave Matthews. The three-day immersive educational program offers campers tastings, tours, classes and one-on-one conversations with winemakers as part of a partnership between the Veraison Project and Oenoverse, two career-focused groups working to create the next generation of winegrowers.

Tracey Love

Tracey Love handles sales, marketing and events for Blenheim Vineyards, just south of Charlottesville.


Monticello Wine Week festivities will begin with the Gold Medal Celebration, which will take place Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Wool Factory in Charlottesville. The winners of this year's Monticello Cup competition will be honored and the winning wine will be served in a souvenir glass alongside dishes from Chef Tucker Yoder, Executive Chef of Broadcloth Restaurant.

The public will be able to meet winegrowers and personalities from the wine industry during this event. Tickets cost $90.

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Next up will be the Ros Picnic, scheduled for noon to 2 p.m. Saturday at Trump Winery. Picnic boxes are designed to complement the flavors of the rosés, and visitors can spread out commemorative Ros All Day blankets to enjoy views of the winery's Olympic Lake.


Jonathan Wheeler, winemaker at Trump Winery, points to grapes hanging on the vines on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.


Participating wineries include Flying Fox Vineyard, King Family Vineyards, Jefferson Vineyards, Lovingston Winery, Reynard Florence Vineyard, Stinson Vineyards, Trump Winery, Valley Road Vineyards and Veritas Vineyards & Winery. Tickets are $60 and a souvenir glass is included.

Later today, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Ros Sunset Sights will move the rose-viewing fun to Hazy Mountain Vineyards in Afton.

Travis Foster, executive chef of Hazy Mountains, plans to offer a variety of hors d'oeuvres and a carving station to accompany rosé selections from Monticello Vineyards, and guests will be able to sip and dine while watching the sunset sun with the Blue Ridge Mountains as a backdrop. .

Look for a range of crisp to fruity wines from Chisholm Vineyards, Cunningham Creek Winery, Flying Fox Vineyard, Grace Estate Winery, Hark Vineyards, Hazy Mountain Vineyards, Veritas Vineyards & Winery and Woodbrook Farm Vineyard.

Champagne fans can attend the Sparkling Brunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at Mount Ida Farm and Vineyards Waters Edge. Brunch stations will feature egg dishes, pastries and other brunch favorites, all coordinated to match the sparkling wine selections ranging from crisp to rich in tone.

Available wineries will include Afton Mountain Vineyards, Chiswell Farm & Winery, Flying Fox Vineyard & Winery, King Family Vineyards, Montifalco Vineyard, Mount Ida Farm and Vineyard, Pippin Hill Farm Vineyards, Trump Winery, Veritas Vineyards & Winery and Wisdom Oak Winery. Tickets cost $75.

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The Winemakers Golf Tournament, hosted by Keswick Hall Resort, will take place Monday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Golfers will play the Full Cry course, designed by renowned course designer Pete Dye, and navigate the courses in quartets led by area winemakers. The $250 fee covers golf, cart, breakfast and lunch.

Full Cry Golf Course at Keswick Hall

The Full Cry course at Keswick Hall, east of Charlottesville, was designed by renowned golf course architect Pete Dye.


Sixty golfers are expected at the tournament, according to Rob McNamara, director of golf and general manager of the Keswick Hall club.

We are absolutely thrilled to be working alongside local wineries for Monticello Wine Week, McNamara told the Daily Progress via email. For Keswick Hall, it’s not just about creating diverse and engaging programming for guests and locals; it’s about fostering a sense of community and celebrating the best of what our region has to offer. By partnering with local wineries, we not only highlight their exceptional wines, but we also highlight the unique flavors and experiences that define our region. We are thrilled to be the presenting sponsor of this year’s Monticello Wine Week, ensuring attendees have truly immersive and memorable experiences throughout the week-long program of events.

The tournament offers participants much more than just a day of sports, McNamara said.

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Keswick Halls Full Cry Golf Course is more than just a place to play; it is an experience designed by Pete Dye, a master of his craft, which places it among Golf weeks the 200 best resort courses, he wrote. Offering 18 holes available all year round, it is a breathtaking venue for any golfer and is often on travelers' lists of golf destinations.

After the tournament, visitors will be able to stay at Keswick Hall for the Winemakers' Reception, which will take place on Monday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ten winemakers select a range of reds and whites to accompany hors d'oeuvres from the Keswick Halls culinary team. Many festival attendees will stay at the hotel, which also offers a two-night stay-and-play package for golf enthusiasts.

Participating wineries are Chestnut Oak Vineyard, Eastwood Farm & Winery, Horton Vineyards, Keswick Vineyards, King Family Vineyards, Lovingston Winery, Pollak Vineyard, Reynard Florence Vineyard, Southwest Mountain Vineyards and Woodbrook Farm Vineyard. Tickets cost $100.


Matthieu Finot, winemaker at King Family Vineyards in Crozet, pours a glass of wine from the barrel on Tuesday, October 24, 2023.


Two display cases will give visitors a better idea of ​​the diversity of red and white wine selections in the Monticello American Viticultural Area.

The White Wine Showcase takes place Wednesday at Eastwood Farm & Winery, just south of Charlottesville, with doors opening for VIP ticket holders at 5:30 p.m. and general admission guests at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $90 for VIP and $75 for general admission. . Artisanal cheeses and other delicacies will be served to you.

Blenheim Vineyards, Chestnut Oak Vineyard, Chisholm Vineyards, Cunningham Creek Winery, Eastwood Farm & Winery, Grace Estate Winery, Hardware Hills Vineyard, Hark Vineyards, Hazy Mountain Vineyards, Michael Shaps Wineworks, Montifalco Vineyards will take part in the white wine festivities. , Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards, Septenary Winery, Trump Winery, Valley Road Vineyards and Woodbrook Farm Vineyard.

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At the Red Wine Showcase, scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. May 2 at Barboursville Vineyards in Orange County, red blends and varietals will be served alongside dishes from Michael Clough, executive chef of Barboursvilles Palladio Restaurant, including a risotto with fresh peas and thyme and pasta. with Berkshire pork bolognese.

Guests can choose a VIP experience for $90, which begins at 6 p.m. and includes access to a wider range of wines, including library varietals, or a general admission option for $75, which begins to 6:30 p.m. and includes a selection of local reds.

Afton Mountain Vineyard, Barboursville Vineyards, Chestnut Oak Vineyard, Chisholm Vineyards, Eastwood Farm & Winery, Hark Vineyards, Hazy Mountain Vineyards, Horton Vineyards, Keswick Vineyards, Montifalco Vineyard, Pollak Vineyards and Southwest Mountain Vineyards are participating wineries.

MountainandVineWinery'23-6.jpg (copy)

Mike Albers, owner of Mountain & Vine Vineyards and Winery, holds a bunch of grapes on Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. The Charlottesville area was named “Wine Region of the Year” in November by Wine Enthusiast magazine. This distinction is expected to boost tourism in the region and stimulate interest in Virginia wines outside the Commonwealth.


All Wine Week events are open to the public, and organizers hope the event will become an annual gathering, likely with more attendees from outside the Charlottesville area next time. Love said participating in Monticello Wine Week gives wine lovers a chance to see what the wine region has to offer.

Every event is so different. The White Wine Showcase is a unique opportunity to taste white wines from across the region, Love said. It’s educational, but also fun, to interact with the winegrowers.




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