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Luncheon and fashion show to raise funds for Ramona Womans Club projects

Luncheon and fashion show to raise funds for Ramona Womans Club projects


Ramona Womans Club members and their guests purchased new clothing to support club scholarships and community grants.

Ten percent of sales from the April 11 luncheon and fashion show fundraiser will be reserved for future high school graduates and charitable causes. Ticket sales generated more than $1,500 and a raffle raised an additional $1,063, according to the Womans Club.

Guests of the Ramona Womans Club Fashion Show gather for a Mexican-themed lunch prepared by Ramona High School students.

Guests of the Ramona Womans Club fashion show gather for a Mexican-themed lunch prepared by Ramona High School students.

(Julie Gallant)

Clothing and jewelry displayed by Womans Club members were provided by Glamor Girlz boutique in El Cajon.

Boutique owner Peggy Harris said she knows how to select the clothes shown on runways and displayed on shelves after 40 years in business. She also has 25 years of experience organizing fashion shows at Naval Station 32nd Street, Naval Air Station North Island and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar.

Sales associates at Glamor Girlz Boutique are, from left, Monica Zech, Denise Rich and boutique owner Peggy Harris.

Sales associates at Glamor Girlz Boutique are, from left, Monica Zech, Denise Rich of The Rich Artist Studio and boutique owner Peggy Harris.

(Julie Gallant)

Ramona resident Linda Conley came to the fashion show looking for pastel-colored clothing and to check out the handbags and jewelry. It was also a chance to visit with her fellow club members, said Conley, who was a teacher in Ramona for 18 years, mostly at James Dukes Elementary School.

I've been to the fashion show for several years, Conley said, looking through the outfits on a rack. It's always wonderful and fun.

Ramona resident Linda Conley shopped for clothes and visited with friends at the luncheon and fashion show.

Ramona resident Linda Conley shopped for clothes and visited with friends at the luncheon and fashion show.

(Julie Gallant)

Club member Sherie Macht said she was there to support the club and its biggest fundraiser of the year.

I can't wait to enjoy the festivities and see all the clothes, said Macht. I will probably buy clothes or jewelry.

Ramona Womans Club member Sherie Macht attended the luncheon and fashion show to support the club.

Ramona Womans Club member Sherie Macht attended the luncheon and fashion show to support the club.

(Julie Gallant)

Ramona resident Dolores Garcia was invited by club treasurer Carole Jewell.

I can't wait to see what the show is about, she said before the start of the Mexican buffet lunch prepared by Ramona High School students. I need to see what is available before deciding what to buy. I'm picky, I like something easy and comfortable.

Ramona resident Dolores Garcia was looking forward to her first appearance at the Ramona Womans Club luncheon and fashion show.

Ramona resident Dolores Garcia was looking forward to her first experience attending the Ramona Womans Club luncheon and fashion show.

(Julie Gallant)

Club member Jean Scofield says she loves all types of fashion, which makes it difficult to choose among the merchandise.

There are very few things I don't like, she says.

Ramona residents are, from left, Jean Scofield, Jo Smoyer and Betty Hallman.

Ramona residents are, from left, Jean Scofield, Jo Smoyer and Betty Hallman.

(Julie Gallant)

Club member Betty Hallman was keen to encourage people to buy clothes which she said were reasonably priced.

Ramona resident Judy Walsh said she wanted to support the Ramona Womans Club because a handful of its members are also members of the Ramona Ramblers Travel Club, of which she is president.

We need to support them because they support our club, said Walsh, who helps organize monthly trips and excursions to see local shows.

Ramona resident Judy Walsh supported friends who are members of the Ramona Womans Club.

Ramona resident Judy Walsh supported friends who are members of the Ramona Womans Club.

(Julie Gallant)

In addition to raising money, the club also recruited several new members at the event, Ramona Womans Club President Jill McKenzie said.

It gave people a chance to see what was being done, McKenzie said. All money from ticket sales and prize donations goes directly to scholarships and community non-profits. The cost of food today comes from our general fund, so there is no cost to the scholarship fund.

Ramona Womans Club Treasurer Carole Jewell won a gift basket containing $100 worth of cat treats.

Ramona Womans Club Treasurer Carole Jewell won a gift basket containing $100 worth of cat treats.

(Julie Gallant)




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