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Rachel Brosnahan is leggy in a bodycon merlot-colored mini dress at the opening night of Stereophonic on Broadway

Rachel Brosnahan is leggy in a bodycon merlot-colored mini dress at the opening night of Stereophonic on Broadway


Rachel Brosnahan led the parade of stars at the opening night of Stereophonic on Broadway in New York.

The 33-year-old Supermanstar wore a skintight wine-colored mini dress that showed off her toned legs.

The number featured a high neck and short sleeves.

She completed the slinky look with a pair of black pointed-toe high heels.

The silver-screen mermaid's long, raven-colored locks were worn in loose, part-off-center waves.

Rachel Brosnahan led the parade of stars at the opening night of Stereophonic on Broadway in New York.

Rachel Brosnahan led the parade of stars at the opening night of Stereophonic on Broadway in New York.

The Superman star, 33, wore a skintight wine-colored mini dress that showed off her toned legs.

The number featured a high neck and short sleeves

The Superman star, 33, wore a skintight wine-colored mini dress that showed off her toned legs. The number featured a mock neckline and short sleeves.

The silver screen mermaid's long raven locks were worn in loose waves and an off-center part

The silver screen mermaid's long raven locks were worn in loose waves and an off-center part

Rachel, who also attended the Suffs opening night this week, looked stunning with a face of soft makeup.

Her blue eyes shone thanks to a dark, lash-lengthening mascara as she dazzled at the event.

The beauty finished off the cosmetic look with a shimmery pink color applied to her pout.

She accessorized with a pair of chain link earrings and she flaunted a short, shiny onyx manicure.

Before the show, Rachel posed alongside other stars, including Dylan Mulvaney, Karlee Fomalont and Miriam Silverman.

Mulvaney, 27, looked fantastic in a sleeveless mini dress in abstract blue, green and ivory colors.

The social media personality sported tight spiraled blonde curls with a deep center part.

And she matched her radiant makeup to the tones of her dress.

Before the show, Rachel posed alongside Dylan Mulvaney

Before the show, Rachel posed alongside Dylan Mulvaney

Mulvaney, 27, looked fantastic in a sleeveless mini dress in abstract blue, green and ivory colors.

Mulvaney, 27, looked fantastic in a sleeveless mini dress in abstract blue, green and ivory colors.

The social media personality rocked tight spiraled blonde curls with a deep center part

The social media personality rocked tight spiraled blonde curls with a deep center part

Broadway star Miriam Silverman was also in attendance at the star-studded opening in the Big Apple.

She wore a sleeveless black dress with thin straps and a sweetheart neckline.

Her star-studded velvet bodice gave way to a long, pleated satin skirt, which she paired with black open-toe platform heels.

Her wispy brown bob was parted to the side and hidden behind one of her ears.

Casting director Karlee Fomalont looked fashionable in a brown, white and orange floral shift dress with a turtleneck.

She wore her light brown hair in a parted bun as she sported a '70s-inspired look.

ActressJ. Smith-Cameron, 66, was also at the opening, making a statement in a ruffled black and pink plaid dress.

She added a casual black jacket with stud detailing throughout and also wore opaque black tights.

L-RKarlee Fomalont, Miriam Silverman and Rachel

L-RKarlee Fomalont, Miriam Silverman and Rachel

Broadway star Miriam Silverman arrived in a sleeveless black dress with thin straps and a sweetheart neckline.

Broadway star Miriam Silverman arrived in a sleeveless black dress with thin straps and a sweetheart neckline.

Actress J. Smith-Cameron, 66, was also at the opening, making a statement in a ruffled black and pink plaid dress.

Actress J. Smith-Cameron, 66, was also at the opening, making a statement in a ruffled black and pink plaid dress.

Actress Marin Ireland, 44, caused a stir in a navy sequinned pantsuit.

She wore the suit jacket over a black Led Zeppelin T-shirt that she partially tucked in.

The redhead artist wore her locks side-swept and soft curls that fell across her chest.

She carried her belongings in a black leather handbag, which she wore across her shoulder.

Finally, her ensemble was completed with a pair of white round toe boots.

Actress Marin Ireland, 44, wowed in a navy sequin pantsuit

Actress Marin Ireland, 44, wowed in a navy sequin pantsuit

ActressLouisa Jacobson, 32, color blocked in a khaki coat, white shirt and dark pants

ActressLouisa Jacobson, 32, color blocked in a khaki coat, white shirt and dark pants

Longtime couple, Taran Killam and Cobie Smulders complemented each other in his and hers costumes

Longtime couple, Taran Killam and Cobie Smulders complemented each other in his and hers costumes

Filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, 55, looked stylish in a gray coat and glasses

Actor Christian Slater wore a blue crew-neck sweater

Filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, 55, looked dapper in his gray coat and glasses. Actor Christian Slater wore a blue crew-neck sweater

Singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco flashed a smile upon arrival

Singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco flashed a smile upon arrival

Stereophonic is a new play by playwright David Adjmi, with music by Will Butler.

The show is directed by Daniel Aukin.

According to the synopsis on the official website, it “explores the agony and ecstasy of creation by zooming in on a music studio in 1976.”

“Here, a promising rock band recording a new album suddenly finds themselves on the cusp of stardom. The resulting pressures could trigger their breakup or breakthrough.




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