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Outcry over Imran Khan’s remarks on Maryam Nawaz

Outcry over Imran Khan’s remarks on Maryam Nawaz


Maryam Nawaz (left) and Imran Khan. Photo: The News/File

KARACHI: During the PTI’s Multan jalsa on Friday, former Prime Minister Imran Khan referred to Maryam Nawaz’s Sargodha rally the day before and said, “I heard she was talking about me with so much jazba and junoon that I want to ask her to be careful lest her husband gets angry”.

Predictably, Imran’s statement drew a strong reaction on social media, with journalists, women’s rights activists and politicians from the PDM-PPP government all condemning the use of a such misogynistic language against a female politician – as well as hinting at her husband’s reaction. — some saying words like these only reinforce toxic masculinity and prevailing patriarchal structures.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif was quick to tweet that every woman must condemn the use of such unfortunate language against ‘beti’ Maryam Nawaz, and that Imran Khan cannot hide his crimes against the country by using such petty language and behavior: “People who might not even respect the sanctity of Masjid-e-Nabvi will fail to respect the women of the nation – mothers, daughters, sisters…. [Imran] set out to fix a nation and ended up falling to such a level of uncivilized behavior.”

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, while speaking to the press in London, reacted to Imran’s comments about his daughter: “Imran has established a culture of rudeness; he does not know what respect for women means or what the status and respect of women in our Muslim culture is. He quotes Madina ki Riyasat but behaves and speaks like someone you wouldn’t see even in the dirtiest society in the world.”

The PPP, meanwhile, has appealed to all women to boycott PTI rallies, with Asif Ali Zardari saying any respectable household with women would not indulge in such language. PPP’s Saleem Mandviwalla demanded an apology from Imran Khan for the way he spoke about Maryam Nawaz. Former Senator Fahatullah Babar tweeted that there should be a resolution against remarks across partisan divides: “The women’s caucus in the National Assembly should always pass a unanimous resolution condemning sexist and degrading remarks by any MP, regardless of party affiliation. [Imran Khan] in Multan jalsa today calls for such a resolution across partisan divides”.

PML-N’s Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb tweeted a photo of Imran’s jalsa with the tagline: ‘Dreadful. IK your name is Filth, its place is only in the gutter of history’ while Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah warned Imran to “master his language because [if need be] PML-N also knows how to deal with those who indulge in such foul language.”

Condemning Imran’s comments, WAF Lahore called on women to protest “the crude misogynistic statement” and tweeted that: “Sexist remarks and atrocious language reveal a complete lack of respect for women and its narcissism. WAF demands an immediate apology from Imran Khan and calls on all Pakistani women and men to protest against these shameful remarks.”

Most of the condemnations were countered by PTI supporters and some officials pointing out what they said were toxic remarks by Maryam Nawaz Sharif against former first lady Bushra Bibi. PTI’s Maleeka Bokhari tweeted: “Shireen Mazari, Zartaj Gul Wazir, Kanwal Shauzab, Jemima Khan, [Maleeka Bokhari herself], Bushra Bibi and Imran Khan’s sisters were attacked and suffered the worst character assassination by Maryam and her foul language followed by her party men. The hypocrites and selected feminists remained silent. Respect only for her?”

Former PTI Minister Ali Zaidi also toed the same line and said: “From Jemima Khan to Bushra Bibi, in the attacks on them, the Hhairat Brigade showed shameless silence. public Reham Khan’s book. Today, when there was a response [from the PTI side]this lot is trying to prove their loyalty to their patron [Maryam Nawaz]. You reap what you sow.”

From Munizae Jahangir to Hamir Mir to Gharidah Farooqi, most journalists categorically condemned Imran Khan’s statement. Munizae Jahangir’s tweet read, “When leaders disregard 51% of our population and attack women with sexist remarks and get away with it, it not only reflects badly on them, but also on their supporters and society that tolerates such garbage at public gatherings. #smallmeninbigoffices,” while Gharidah Farooqi called the former prime minister’s remarks “absolutely shameful.”

Asma Shirazi stressed that she was not disappointed with the comments: “The more you [Imran] talk, the more you reveal yourself…but his supporters, especially women, will even support him.”

Demands for apologies continued to be made by all those who condemned Imran Khan’s statement. Digital and women’s rights activist Nighat Dad tweeted: “Imran Khan should immediately apologize for his rude and misogynistic comments, this foul language shows how he sees women politicians from other political parties as sex objects, in especially those who criticize him for his performance and his policies. . It’s beyond disgusting.”

Speaking to The News, journalist Mehmal Sarfraz said: “This is just one more in a long list of anti-women statements by former Prime Minister Imran Khan. It is unfortunate that this is what now passes for a ‘political discourse.’ A sad day for the women of the country”.




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