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Xi-Ma meeting brings few results

Xi-Ma meeting brings few results


Taiwanese Ma Ying-jeou got a wish by meeting President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

Taiwan's former president was guided to a meeting with Xi in Beijing after bowing at a memorial honoring an uprising against the Qing emperor in Guangzhou, paying tribute to the legendary ancestor of the Chinese people, the Yellow Emperor in the Shaanxi and sang a song about the war against the Japanese invaders. .

However, people may remember Ma's emotional tears more easily than anything else from her 11-day tour across the continent.

It's not that the Beijing meeting wasn't symbolic, but the information made public about the conversation didn't add anything new beyond what was made in 2015, when they last met in Singapore.

At that time, Ma was still in office as the elected president of Taiwan. Now he's just a civilian.

In his opening speech, Xi praised Ma for his opposition to Taiwan independence, his efforts to promote cross-Strait exchanges and the fact that the two sides belong to “one China.”

As Xi spoke, CCTV played soft music in the background of his broadcast in an apparent attempt to set a friendly tone for the event. The decor has been carefully calibrated.

Then it was time for Mom to speak. The former Taiwanese leader mentioned the Republic of China, but quickly corrected it by referring to the Chinese nation.

Was this mention deliberate or a slip of the tongue? In the latter case, it would not be the first time that he had made such a mistake.

People may tend to remember Ma's willingness to shed tears because the messages from the cordial meeting were similar to those people have known since 2015 – hence the status quo which may also reflect the situation current.

It is in the interests of both Taiwan and the mainland to see the status quo maintained. No one wants to see a war break out across the Taiwan Strait and every effort should be made to avoid such a catastrophe.

Later this month, Lai Ching-te of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party will be sworn in to succeed Tsai Ing-wen as Taiwan's next president after the January election.

This will be the DPP's third term in power.

Although Lai is expected to continue Tsai's policy of maintaining the status quo rather than deviating from it to move toward independence, her administration will continue to be closely watched by all, including the United States.

Lai knows that Washington also wants the status quo to remain unchanged.

For now, Ma's wish for a high-level meeting with Xi came true after he bowed and sang from south to north China and he can be proud of his contribution to relations between the two shores of the China Strait.

In 2005, Lien Chan, then the leader of the Kuomintang, became the first Taipei politician representing the pan-Blue camp in Taiwan to travel to the mainland to break the ice with Beijing.

Even if Ma can't change history, can he hope to inherit Lien's legacy to become the new pan-blue leader?

If this was Ma's aspiration, he might have made it a reality after the Beijing meeting.




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