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Donald Trump makes seven 'huge mistakes' in 48 hours, says Mary Trump

Donald Trump makes seven 'huge mistakes' in 48 hours, says Mary Trump


Former President Donald Trump made seven “huge mistakes” in 48 hours, his ex-niece Mary Trump said Thursday evening.

Writing on her blog on Substack, Mary Trump, a vocal critic of her uncle, this week outlined a series of issues she described as a “comedy of errors” that have hurt Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for president. 2024 presidential election, including his team accidentally subpoenaing him. the wrong person and failed in a third attempt to delay his secret criminal trial in New York.

She also took aim at prominent “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) figures who were “making headlines for all the wrong reasons.”

Newsweek has reached out to Trump's team for comment via email.

The “huge mistakes” Mary Trump highlighted in her blog post include:

Assign the wrong person

A filing from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office revealed Tuesday that the former president's lawyers accidentally sent a subpoena to the wrong person.

Lawyers involved in Trump's hush money case wanted to subpoena Jeremy Rosenberg, who was a supervising investigator in the Manhattan district attorney's office, as they sought records related to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

However, they sent documents to another Jeremy Rosenberg who lived in Brooklyn. Court records showed the recipient responded, “I don't have any records for you” and said he was keeping the $15 sent to him to cover the cost of mailing the documents.

Trump is scheduled to go on trial Monday, April 15, after being indicted last year on 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with secret payments made to Stormy Daniels, a former adult entertainment actress, before the presidential election from 2016. he is silent about an alleged affair they had in 2006. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has denied ever having an affair with Daniels.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media Wednesday in Atlanta. Trump made seven “huge mistakes” in 48 hours, his ex-niece Mary Trump said Thursday. Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media Wednesday in Atlanta. Trump made seven “huge mistakes” in 48 hours, his ex-niece Mary Trump said Thursday. GETTY blocks FISA bill

The former president on Wednesday called on his supporters to “kill” the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) bill. The bill seeks to reauthorize the surveillance program and includes a series of reforms intended to address civil liberties concerns raised by critics.

“Kill FISA, it was used illegally against me and many others. They spied on my campaign,” Trump claimed in a post on Truth Social, his social media platform.

In Congress, 19 conservatives joined Democrats to torpedo House Speaker Mike Johnson's proposal by a vote of 119 to 228.

Mary Trump wrote on her blog that her uncle had “crossed his sons.”

She added: “But here's the thing: Donald appears to have screwed up. The legislation Congress is considering is Section 702 of FISA. Donald intended to blow the whistle on Title 1 of FISA, which concerns investigations of FBI on U.S. citizens. Instead, Section 702 “permits warrantless surveillance of aliens outside the United States – people who are not protected by the Fourth Amendment.”

“It is crucial that 'U.S. citizens and persons living in the United States cannot be targeted' under the bill.”

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe criticized Trump's claims about FISA, saying Thursday that there was “neither truth nor accuracy” in his message.

Speaking on CNN Newsroom, McCabe suggested the former president could be referring to the fact that the FBI obtained a warrant to spy on his 2016 campaign adviser, Carter Page, as part of its Russia investigation.

“We now know that there were many errors in this FISA, they are all regrettable, but this is not Section 702, it is a totally different thing here,” he said during its interview.

Attacks on the daughter of judge Juan Merchan

Trump took to Truth Social on Thursday where he posted a clip of Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett saying that Loren Merchan, the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing Trump's hush money case , has a “direct interest” in the lawsuit because she works for a Democratic political consulting firm.

On April 1, Judge Merchan extended Trump's silence to include his family after a series of posts from the former president attacked her.

“Now Judge Merchan will have to decide whether Donald's release of this clip constitutes a violation of his gag order,” Mary Trump wrote on her blog.

In a statement provided to Newsweek on April 1, Steven Cheung, Trump's communications director, defended Trump's attacks on Merchan's daughter.

Cheung said Merchan “has a clear conflict, and for him to continue to be involved in this witch hunt led by Crooked Joe Biden is a complete violation of applicable rules, regulations and ethics.”

He added: “Authentic Campaigns, and therefore the judge's daughter, is actively making money from this false attack on President Trump, which puts Judge Merchan in conflict. The judge should do the right thing and recuse himself immediately to show the American people that Democrats have not completely destroyed our justice system.”

John Eastman reprimanded by bar investigators

John Eastman, accused of helping overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election on behalf of Trump, was raped Wednesday by California bar investigators for submitting letters from Republican Party Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia in an effort to retain her term. Law degree.

State Bar Court Judge Yvette Roland ruled in March that Eastman violated ethics rules by asserting Trump's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. He is suspended from the practice of law pending a decision by the California Supreme Court.

“In support of his motion, [Eastman] has chosen to submit statements from some of his clients who, despite the irrelevance of this point to the defendant's arguments, affirm their belief that the disciplinary charges in this matter are without merit,” bar investigators said.

Mary Trump wrote: “Because he has no idea how absurd it all is, Eastman submitted declarations from Greene and Gaetz, who not only urged the court to allow Eastman to continue his representation, but also affirmed their belief that the disciplinary charges had no effect. deserved.”

A candidate under pressure regarding his tax returns

Mary Trump also criticized her uncle for his “tremendous talent when it comes to one thing: picking political losers.”

The former president endorsed Mark Robinson for governor of North Carolina, but bankruptcy records obtained by ABC News revealed that he failed to file his income taxes for five straight years, starting in 1998.

“This is old news recycled by Democrats and their allies in the press to distract voters,” Robinson campaign communications director Mike Lonergan said in a statement to Newsweek.

“Lieutenant Governor Robinson has made no secret of the financial challenges of his past. As a former factory worker who lost his job due to NAFTA and had his home foreclosed on and even forced into bankruptcy, the Lieutenant Governor has overcome many challenges…financial and others – in his past. He experienced the struggles that North Carolina families face every day.

“North Carolinians are ready to have a governor who will focus on solutions to their problems, not another career politician moving up the ranks from office to office,” he added.

Lawyers fail to delay trial

On Wednesday, Trump's lawyers lost their third attempt in a week to delay his secret trial.

His lawyers wanted the case delayed until a full panel of appeals court judges could hear arguments on whether to lift or modify the silence order imposed on him by the judge. Merchan.

The latest motion, however, was denied by Associate Justice Ellen Gesmer of the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court.

“Donald's secret election interference trial is set to begin in New York on April 15 and he is desperate to delay it, but so far his many attempts have failed. The latest is no exception,” Mary wrote Trump. “A single appeals judge, Ellen Gesmer, quickly rejected Donald's latest request for a postponement, leaving Donald with few options. Although he could ask all five appeals court judges to “hearing his motion makes it almost impossible for the court to intervene. Time before Monday trial start date. See you in court, Donald.”

Greene and the eclipse

Mary Trump also listed Greene's posts on X, formerly Twitter, as the seventh error associated with Trump, although the Georgia Republican's posts were from last Friday.

A staunch Trump ally, the congresswoman was ridiculed and hit with a community rating for her posts about Monday's solar eclipse.

Greene wrote that God was sending “strong signs to tell us to repent.”

“Earthquakes happen all the time, all over the world,” the community note reads. “Eclipses are not random, they follow strict mathematical rules and can be predicted centuries before they occur. NASA has a site listing eclipses up to the year 3000.”

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck Whitehouse Station, part of Readington Township, New Jersey, last Friday and shook parts of the Northeast. Tremors were felt across the region, including New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and as far away as Maine.

During an interview Tuesday with Steve Bannon on the War Room podcast, Greene responded to the critics and said, “They've been making fun of my faith recently and making fun of me. [for] saying that God is sending us a sign to repent. I really don't care why they laugh at me and make fun of me. We win the information war, Steve, because we tell the truth. »

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