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Xi Jinping's visit to France fails to dispel the clouds weighing on bilateral relations

Xi Jinping's visit to France fails to dispel the clouds weighing on bilateral relations


Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron at Tarbes-Lourdes Pyrénées airport on May 7, 2024.

On the second day of Xi Jinping's state visit to France, the Chinese and French presidents severed ties, a sign of détente between the leaders. The Elysée wanted to create a more personal program, after a very official first day in Paris on Monday May 6. It was an opportunity to address important issues without an army of advisors, and to soften the position of the president of the world. second power, France hoped. China hoped the trip would demonstrate that its president is warmly welcomed around the world. But when they reached the Col du Tourmalet, in the southwest of France, a thick blizzard greeted the two heads of state: the hoped-for photo opportunity did not take place.

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It was emblematic of the entire state visit, which failed to dispel the ominous clouds hanging over bilateral relations. In a major step forward, both presidents committed to an Olympic truce in ongoing conflicts over this summer's Paris Games. The Elyse also welcomed a joint declaration on the situation in the Middle East, referring in particular to the two-state solution.

Conversely, trade issues gave rise to vigorous exchanges between Xi and Macron on Monday, supported by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, invited by France. While Xi dismisses the so-called “problem of China’s overcapacity”, his French counterpart affirms his desire to “continue to open trade, but ensuring at all times that they are fully equitable”. The Elyse was at least pleased to have obtained a reprieve for cognac, threatened by a Chinese anti-dumping investigation, launched in retaliation for the European Union investigation into subsidies for Chinese electric vehicles.

“Friendly but also very frank”

Should this unconfirmed gesture on the part of China be interpreted as a desire for appeasement? “Xi is trying to limit the damage, but he knows we are going to take measures: that’s what bothers him the most, given China’s slowdown,” said China expert Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a researcher at the Asia Center. Since 2023, Chinese officials have increased messages of economic opening to try to bring back investors, after three years of closure due to the country's zero Covid policy.

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While household consumption is struggling to recover, exports are soaring. In this context, it is hard to imagine the European Union making concessions: “We have lost solar panels and wind turbines, and we are not going to continue to lose electric vehicles,” added Cabestan.

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