How Imran Khan's polarizing battle with the Pakistani military could actually strengthen democracy
In Pakistan's tumultuous political history, no civilian leader has challenged military rule as boldly as Imran Khan. Once a favored ally of the establishment, Khan has become its fiercest critic, sparking a political confrontation that could redefine the country's governance.
Although the confrontation between the now-jailed Khan and army chief General Asim Munir may seem destabilizing in the short term, it holds the potential to recalibrate Pakistan's democracy by putting a brake on decades of power uncontrolled military.
For more than seven decades, the Pakistani military has dominated the country's political and economic spheres. Through coups, direct rule and covert manipulation, it has consistently undermined democratic institutions and cultivated a culture of impunity. Civilian governments, including the Khans, often functioned as mere extensions of the military, lacking true autonomy.
Leaders who dared to challenge this status quo, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, were fired, exiled and even assassinated. Imran Khan's current challenge is unprecedented in its scale and intensity, forcing a reckoning with long-established military control.
Khan's explicit accusations against senior military officials, including former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and General Asim Munir, have broken long-standing taboos. Public criticism of the military has historically been met with harsh repression, censorship, imprisonment and even enforced disappearances. Khan's allegations of election rigging, political interference and corruption resonated with millions, fueling a historic wave of public dissent.
The violent protests that followed his arrest in May 2023 marked a significant change. For the first time, ordinary Pakistanis, including military family members, directly targeted institutions, symbols of power. Military installations were stormed and the once sacrosanct headquarters was breached. Although the violence cannot be justified, it revealed the depth of public frustration with the military's overreach.
PAKISTAN: The government must fully protect and guarantee the rights of protesters and immediately rescind shoot-on-sight orders that give undue and excessive powers to the military.
In response to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) protests in Islamabad, pic.twitter.com/7hqrwyXjOb
– Amnesty International South Asia, regional office (@amnestysasia) November 26, 2024
Imran Khan's confrontational approach has polarized Pakistan. His rhetoric, often intransigent, has alienated political allies and intensified divisions. Yet it serves a vital democratic purpose. By highlighting the military's disproportionate influence, Khan forced Pakistanis to ask a crucial question: Should elected representatives or unelected generals shape the country's destiny?
This challenge has catalyzed a broader debate about the role of the military in politics. By forcing political parties, civil society and the judiciary to confront their complicity in maintaining military rule, Khan paved the way for a more balanced governance structure.
Khan's call also highlighted divisions within the military. Reports suggest that segments of the rank and file, as well as their families, sympathize with him. This internal polarization, while destabilizing, underscores growing resistance to the military's unchecked authority. It also provides an opportunity for the institution to reflect on its role and realign itself with its constitutional mandate.
Khan's message also mobilized a new generation of politically conscious Pakistanis, including women and youth who previously avoided politics. This popular awakening, rooted in demands for justice and accountability, has the potential to reinvigorate democratic culture. The Pakistani diaspora, long disengaged from domestic politics, rallied behind Khan, further amplifying calls for systemic reform.
The judicial handling of Khan's legal battles has also been a critical test of his independence. While some judges resisted establishment pressure, granting Khan bail and questioning the legality of military trials for civilians, a controversial constitutional amendment in October reduced judicial autonomy, posing a significant threat to the democratic framework of Pakistan.
Pakistan: PTI protesters started reaching D Chowk, their final destination. pic.twitter.com/2apote8PzQ
– Khaleej Mag (@KhaleejMag) November 26, 2024
The confrontation between Khan and the military has deepened political polarization and exacerbated economic instability. The military crackdown on Khan Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, marked by mass arrests and attempts to dissolve the organization, threatens to stifle political pluralism. Khan's populist approach, sometimes disdainful of compromise, has fueled accusations that he has authoritarian tendencies.
Yet Pakistan's history demonstrates that systemic change often emerges from periods of crisis. This moment of upheaval could lead to a recalibration of civil-military relations and the strengthening of democratic institutions.
The confrontation between Imran Khan and General Asim Munir is more than a personal power struggle: it is a defining moment for Pakistani democracy. By challenging military rule, Khan exposed the flaws in the system and created an opening for reform. Although the road ahead is fraught with challenges, this crisis could potentially strengthen Pakistan's democratic institutions and curb the military's overreach.
For this potential to be realized, political leaders must resist the temptation to exploit military support, while the judiciary and media must hold all institutions accountable. Most importantly, the military must recognize that its legitimacy and effectiveness depend on respecting its constitutional role.
Imran Khan's battle with the army represents a crucial step toward breaking the cycle of authoritarianism that has plagued Pakistan since its inception. By limiting the influence of the military and strengthening civilian institutions, Pakistan can move closer to the democratic ideals enshrined in its constitution. The stakes of this struggle are not only political: they are existential for the future of Pakistani democracy.
Ashok Swain is Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University, Sweden.
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