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Boris Johnson, in a personal call for caution, is still early to discuss the outcome of the national lockdown


Boris Johnson has issued a personal appeal for caution, telling the public it is still early days to discuss loosening England’s national lockdown amid “very, very high” coronavirus infection rates.

The Prime Minister is due to set a roadmap on February 22 on how the government intends to reopen society after analyzing the findings of a critical report produced by Public Health England (PHE) on the effectiveness of the vaccine deployment and transmission data.

In a short video posted to social media, Mr Johnson reiterated his pledge to announce a regular schedule to start unblocking in just over two weeks and said the immunization schedule was proceeding at an enormous rate of nodes, with 10.9 million people now having received a first dose.

On the plan, he said the government will give everyone some clarity as much as possible on how we hope to unlock starting with the ministers’ priority of a gradual reopening of schools from March 8. .

However, the Prime Minister cautioned: I want to stress that it is still in its infancy and we have infection rates in this country. [that are] always very, very high and [have] more people in our hospitals with Covid now than there were back on top in April.

The newspaper said hospitality venues will initially be limited to serving take-out drinks so customers are encouraged to stay outside due to the reduced risk of transmission compared to sitting indoors.

The so-called ‘Scottish egg rule’ under which alcohol could only be served with a substantial meal is also said to be on the way out after the Prime Minister ordered a ‘simplification’ of the rules when the country leaves national lockdown.

The telegraph also suggested that ministers consider reopening dry pubs in April to allay concerns from science advisers who have warned of the potential effects of alcohol use and social distancing.

But a government source said The independent: We are not going to open pubs that cannot sell alcohol. What would be the point of that?

Dr Clive Dix, the new acting head of the UK vaccine task force, appeared optimistic about meeting the new commitment on BBC Radio 4s today program.

Whenever we have set a goal in the task force, we have achieved it and we will work day and night to make sure we reach whatever goal is achievable, he said.

I am very optimistic and definitely meet the May target. I don’t know where the June number came from, but we still have a certain number of people to vaccinate 25 maybe 30 million. I don’t know if it will be done in a month.

But the confirmation of the date also led to immediate calls from Tory backbenchers for the government to speed up the reopening of the company, with Covid Recovery Group chairman Mark Harper saying it would be nearly impossible to justify putting restrictions in place once the 50-year-old has been vaccinated.

He said: Much like Covid, lockdowns and restrictions cause enormous damage to people’s health and livelihoods and we must lift them as soon as it is safe to do so. In addition, once the four main risk groups are vaccinated on February 15 and protected on March 8, the government must begin to ease restrictions.

The former chief whip also called on the prime minister to consider bringing students back to classrooms this month rather than postponing the target date of March 8.

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