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I cut back my unloved football and forty years later I still live with the shame Adrian Chiles

I cut back my unloved football and forty years later I still live with the shame  Adrian Chiles


HHow long should guilt last? When I was a boy, about ten years old, I had a football that I kicked around for years, with my friends, with my brother or all alone, aimlessly dribbling around or kicking it against a wall. This ball gave me some status, because it was what we used to call a caser, a word I haven't used in over forty years. A caser meant it was a real football, with a rubber bladder on the inside and leather on the outside. This was unlike a very cheap plastic ball that blew around in the wind, or a ball made of thicker plastic and made to look like a caser. The latter was more respectable than the former, but it wasn't, you know, a caser.

I had this ball for a long time, and grew from only being able to do five keep-ups to maybe ten. Yes, I was that gifted. It was the 1970s, at the beginning of that decade Adidas had invented its Telstar ball for the 1970 World Cup. It was made of 32 leather panels, consisting of 12 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons. My caser was modeled after that caser. It was probably a gift from my grandpa, but I don't remember what it looked like when it was new, only what it looked like when it was old, when the panels weren't black or white, just brown, after all the color had gone out was thrown from them.

By then I wanted a new one, a shiny new ball, probably the Tango that Adidas made for the 1978 World Cup, which, intoxicatingly, had twelve fewer panels. But my mother said no. She said my ball was perfectly fine, and that all I could hope for was a new one if it was unusable. She had a point. My caser, while a deep uninteresting uniform brown, was still round enough and hard enough for football purposes. I don't remember kicking the poor thing around with increasing force for what could have been hours, days, weeks, or months, hoping to hasten the end of its useful life. Eventually I noticed that some of the stitching was loose, revealing a bit of bright orange bubble.

No, my mother said: I'm still fine. More furious kicks followed, none of which brought the dark joy of deflation. So I'm sorry I did something terrible. I took my trusty, loved and then unloved caser to a quiet place and stuck a pocket knife into the bit of exposed bladder. To this day I can hear the sound my poor old ball made as he took his last breath. Actually, it was less of a sigh than a sigh of pure sadness and disappointment. I would let my mother down, I would let myself down, and I would let my caser down, in more ways than one. I lost all thoughts of the shiny new ball. I burst into tears and ran to my mother.

The terrible irony is that it was my tears of shame that led me to escape punishment for my terrible crime. Mom thought I was crying about my dropped ball, which I was, but not in the way she thought. The price I paid was, quite frankly, a lifetime of guilt. I think it was because I got away with it. If I had not, I would have been punished and my sin would have been atoned for somehow. If she had seen what I had done, I would undoubtedly have received a sound beating. If she reads this, another sound beating could follow and the matter would be settled.

As it was, I was given a new ball, which I could never convince myself of like the old one, and also a small, orange-colored shame spot on my soul that I can never shift. It's about right for me, as my mother will tell me any day now.

Adrian Chiles is a broadcaster, writer and Guardian columnist




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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