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Goan Rebels achieve the Summer Slam Table Tennis Team Championship

Goan Rebels achieve the Summer Slam Table Tennis Team Championship


April 19, 2024 | 05:43 IST

Goan Rebels achieve the Summer Slam Table Tennis Team Championship

Goan Rebels achieve the Summer Slam Table Tennis Team Championship

Team Herald

PANJIM: Goan Rebels defeated Panaji Ganeshotsav Samiti to become champions and clinch the Summer Slam Table Tennis Team Championship organized by Panjim Table Tennis Club under the aegis of Goa Table Tennis Association at the Indoor Stadium, Campal, here recently.

In the thrilling final, the Goan Rebels led by captain Varun Gangodkar emerged victorious by a narrow margin of 85-84 against the Panaji Ganeshotsav Samiti led by Gautam Wadkar to lift the prestigious championship trophy.

The champions brought together eight formidable teams, each vying for ultimate glory, showcasing intense competition and strategic gameplay as teams battled for supremacy.

The journey to the final was full of excitement and setbacks. In the semi-finals, winners of Group A, BPS Sports Club suffered a defeat against Group B runners-up Panaji Ganeshotsav Samiti by a score of 85-79. Meanwhile, Group B winners Sawkar Spartans were stunned by Group B runners-up Goan Rebels in a closely contested match that ended 85-83. Interestingly, BPS Sports Club had recorded a comfortable 85-75 win over Goan Rebels in the group stage. Sawkar Spartans, on the other hand, had inflicted an 85-81 defeat against Panaji Ganeshotsav Samiti.

Six doubles matches were played between two teams in each tie. The unique format for scoring relay points added an extra layer of tension, as evidenced by the unexpected outcomes in the semi-finals.

Despite topping their respective groups in the group stage, both BPS Sports Club and Sawkar Spartans suffered reversals in the semi-finals, highlighting the unpredictability of the tournament.

The awards ceremony was graced by Wesley do Rosario, National Gold Medalist and India Captain at the University Games, besides members of the Panjim Table Tennis Club including Ajit Ghantker, Sandeep Heble, Selvyn Godinho and sports promoter Praveen Shenoy, among others.

Winning team: Goan Rebels – Chandan Caro, Ivana Botelho, Ira Nadkarni, Nikhil Jadhav, Pradnya Caro, Raaj L, Rickyth Kerkar, Swayam Chodankar, Varun Gangodkar (captain), Vedant Wagle and Wilber Mesquita,

Second team: Panaji Ganeshotsav Samiti: Anaya Srivastava, Bhavan Shrivastava, Eknath Mahadeshwar, Gautam Wadkar (captain), Khushal Naik, Neel Sanke, Prateek Kaisare, Ratnadeep Shivani, Shantesh Mapsekar, Trusha Hammanawar and Yuvaan Sanke.

Joint third place teams – Sawkar Spartans: Anand Naik, Dev Chopdekar, Paras Dalal, Pranav Naik (captain), Priyasha Nadodkar, Prutha Parrikar, Rishan Shaikh, Shaikh Yusuf, Shawn Soares, Vivaan Khalap and Zion Mesquita.

BPS Sports Club: Adhiraj Baadave, Atharv Borkar, Atharv Dhulapkar, Mithun Kanji, Nathan Gama, Neeza Kamat, Pushkar Virgincar, Ruhi Nachinolkar, Uday Valawalkar, Vivaan Chodankar and Wesley do Rosario (captain).




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