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What’s on tap for Penn State men’s hockey after the 2020-21 up-and-down season? | Penn State Men’s Hockey News


Inquiries swirled around Penn State, popping up for conferences only in the 2020-21 season.

Whether it was the novice net lesser, how the graduate void would be filled, or how the team would respond to not having a full Pegula Ice Arena, the uncertainty was sky-high.

Despite all the unknowns that blue and white have encountered and dealt with last season, the 2021-22 campaign poses its own set of tough questions that evoke answers.

Junior Oskar Autio struggled in the fold at the start of the campaign, but soon established himself to become the full-time starting goalkeeper for Guy Gadowsky, taking on the role in place of freshman Liam Souliere.

While that question was posed for last season, he’s emerged from the shadows and Gadowsky will let players decide based on their play, even though Autio will likely start the season in the fold.

Much of that will be answered by them, not us, Gadowsky said. I think [Autio] would probably have the kink [to be the starter], but it all depends on it. They will determine what happens.

Outside of the goalkeeper fold, however, there is still a lot of debate about what the 2021 season will look like for the Nittany Lions.

Penn State will be without three of its top five scorers from last season as Alex Limoges, Tim Doherty and Aarne Talvitie chose to move up to the professional ranks.

Men's hockey vs.  Sacred Heart, Limoges (9)

Alex Limoges (9) and Sacred Heart player Braeden Tuck (23) watch the game during the men’s hockey game against Sacred Heart at the Pegula Ice Arena on October 12, 2019.

The trio combined for 53 points this season, including 22 from Limoges, who led the entire team in goals and assists.

Fortunately for Penn State, the freshman league flashed a lot of potential last season, with players like Christian Sarlo and Jared Westcott proving to be valuable offensive assets in their first seasons, and Gadowsky said this may go further.

Jared Westcott would be one of them, Gadowsky said when asked who could step into a bigger offensive role next season. Christrian Sarlo would be a different one, but all freshmen really have the chance to do just that.

Sarlo led Penn States freshmen in points, earning 11 per year, and tied in seamlessly with Limoges and Doherty. Meanwhile, Westcott was third on the team in points among the freshmen.

However, the team will look forward to players like Kevin Wall, who saw a major production leap in his second season, as well as Connor McMenamin and Connor MacEachern as experienced point collectors.

Most notably, Wall finished second on the team this season with 12 points more as a sophomore in four games less than his freshman campaign.

The team will likely look to Wall as the squads’ go-to scorer, but usually for Penn State, where the offense is coming from is no question.

This off-season, however, the Nittany Lions’ defense is far less of a question mark than the offense.

Penn State will return many of its best defenders, including Deputy Captain Paul DeNaples, Pittsburgh Penguins draft pick Clayton Phillips, and standout freshman Jimmy Dowd Jr.

With fewer questions on the blue line, the team will look for answers to questions plaguing it in other areas on the ice, but many of those questions can be answered when fans aren’t watching during the summer.

Regardless, there is still a lot of uncertainty about how the Nittany Lions will look for the first puck drop when the new season arrives.

Nothing is guaranteed, and much of it is easy to see who is doing the work, Gadowsky said. At the moment there are probably more questions than in the past.


Less than a month remains in the Penn States academic school year, but many former Nittany Lions are in the midst of their professional seasons.

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