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Researchers announce that AI-assisted throat patch can help people with speech disorders speak

Researchers announce that AI-assisted throat patch can help people with speech disorders speak


(TMX) — A small wearable device powered by artificial intelligence may be able to help people with vocal cord diseases or voice disorders speak.

Developed by a team of engineers at the University of California, Los Angeles, the soft, thin, flexible bioelectric patch measures just 1.2 square inches and can be placed on the skin on the outside of the throat. It detects the movement of the wearer's laryngeal muscles and converts it into audible audio using machine learning technology, boasting an accuracy of nearly 95%.

The breakthrough, led by Jun Chen, an assistant professor of bioengineering in UCLA's Samueli School of Engineering, and his colleagues was published this week in the journal Nature Communications.

Chen, who heads UCLA's Wearable Bioelectronics Research Group, said existing solutions such as portable electrolaryngeal devices and tracheoesophageal puncture procedures can be inconvenient, invasive or uncomfortable. This new device provides a wearable, non-invasive option that can help patients communicate before and during the recovery period after voice disorder treatment.

This small patch uses a self-powered sensing component that detects signals generated by muscle movements and converts them into high-fidelity, analyzable electrical signals, which are converted into audio signals using machine learning algorithms. It consists of actuation components. It converts that signal into an audio representation.

The patch contains micro-magnets that generate a magnetic field. A soft magnetoelastic sensing mechanism developed by Chen's team in 2021 will be able to detect changes in the magnetic field when the muscles of the larynx move.

The device is only 0.06 inches thick, weighs 7 grams, and includes biocompatible double-sided tape that can be applied to the neck and reapplied if necessary.

The patch was tested on eight healthy adults pronouncing sentences out loud and silently, and its accuracy was 94.68%. The researchers hope to expand the device's vocabulary through machine learning and conduct further testing with people with language disorders.

Chen, who has been named one of the world's most cited researchers for five years in a row, and his team previously developed a wearable glove that can translate American Sign Language into English speech in real time, making it easier for ASL users to understand. It made it possible to communicate with people who don't have it. How to sign.

Researchers say voice disorders are more common than people realize, with nearly 30% of people experiencing such disorders at some point in their lives. Often with surgical intervention and voice therapy, voice recovery can take years. Researchers hope the device will help people continue to communicate while their voices rest after surgery or during a long recovery process.




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