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DTU donates $60 million to climate change technology innovation

DTU donates $60 million to climate change technology innovation


DTU has allocated SEK 60 million to support and invest in climate technology inventions. The DKK 60 million represents profits from DTU-based venture company PreSeed Ventures, which invests in start-up companies and is already actively integrated into the university's innovation activities.

The new initiative is called “DTU Earthbound.”

“At DTU, climate technologies and solutions are a top priority for our researchers and students. Our research is already centered around the development of high-quality climate technologies, so the potential is huge. , DTU Earthbound is one of DTU's contributions to the promotion of “laboratories”. We can strengthen our go-to-market processes and bring climate technology solutions to the world faster,” said Marianne Selassen, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Developing deep technology science into business

At DTU, researchers and students invent and develop technologies every day that have a major impact on future climate solutions. DTU Earthbound must help move research out of laboratories and into start-ups faster. This process becomes more manageable for researchers and students with the help of experienced deep technology entrepreneurs who know how to mature their technology, commercialize it, and prepare it for the first investment.

“At DTU Earthbound, we not only have great scientists and established entrepreneurs dedicated to impacting startups, but we also stand with climate-related technologies and harness their potential impact until they are brought to market. We want to stay loyal,” said Simon Urwand. , DTU Earthbound Director.

DTU Earthbound has already found its first project to receive support. These projects work with everything from energy storage and carbon capture technologies to non-fossil fuels. One of the researchers, Abhay Sivayogimas, is focusing on graphene, a material that is 200 times stronger than steel. The challenge with graphene is that it is difficult to process.

Researcher Abhay Shivayogimath has found a solution to this. He is currently the founder of the startup 2D, which is commercializing his research with support and funding from DTU Earthbound.

DTU Earthbound focuses exclusively on climate technology solutions and opportunities, as halting the rise in global temperatures and ensuring a sustainable society requires the development of technologies that can combat climate change .

/Open to the public. This material from the original organization/author may be of a contemporary nature and has been edited for clarity, style, and length. Mirage.News does not take any institutional position or stance, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the authors. Read the full text here.




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