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Covid-19: Four “mysterious incidents” that could continue to block Auckland


Contact tracers are urgently investigating four mysterious Covid-19 cases where authorities do not know when and how the person caught the virus.

Experts say unsolved cases could continue to block Auckland..

Health Director Ashley Bloomfield said there were two cases from a household whose genomic sequencing (analyzed to confirm the transfer of the virus’s DNA from person to person) passed the virus to them. He said he suggested that there was another unknown person who could be. Two unlinked Middlemore patients were also “very thoroughly investigated,” he said Friday.

read more:
* Covid-19: 15 new cases of delta community outbreaks, totaling 855
* Covid-19: Authorities consider the Croune Plaza MIQ facility to be safe to reopen on Thursday
* Close the vaccination center next to MIQ

Health Director Ashley Bloomfield picked out four unrelated cases that authorities were investigating on Friday.  (File photo)

Robert Kitchen / Staff

Health Director Ashley Bloomfield picked out four unrelated cases that authorities were investigating on Friday. (File photo)

Overall, there are 29 cases that are not yet linked to the cluster, 6 of which 11 new community cases announced On Friday.

University of Otago epidemiologist Michael Baker Advise government on Covid-19He said it would take days without unlinked cases, from which new clusters could form. Before Auckland leaves the blockade.

The Cabinet will consider pandemic regulation in Auckland on Monday.

One of the unlinked middlemore patients There was no known exposure to Covid-19I wasn’t in the place of interest, even though I had no symptoms and tested positive on Thursday night.other Middlemore patients who said they weren’t in a place of interest tested positive over the weekend..

According to Bloomfield, it can be “time consuming” to associate cases that are unlikely to be exposed and have no clear association with the location or person of exposure.

“We will continue to work closely with the Auckland Community Public Health to fully investigate unrelated cases.”

Two unlinked cases from the same household also created a new place of interest.One of these NSRhone Plaza Vaccination CenterApproximately 600 people were vaccinated daily during the week in question.

People who visit the center on August 23 should be tested for the virus, Bloomfield said.However, it is not linked nearby Crowne Plaza MIQ facility, Because the last returnee left two days ago.

“Everyone needs to be tested immediately, whether or not they have symptoms,” he said. “This is not part of contact tracing. It is part of source research.”

At the beginning of Friday, Baker said thing decline The case number indicated that the blockage was working, but there was still a problem with the “margin”..

“It’s punched out, but it will have this very long tail, [which is] There is a problem for Auckland. “

“Whenever unexplained cases occur, relieving pressure can cause them to flare. That really supports us.”

Sean Henn, a Covid-19 modeler and professor at the University of Auckland, said Monday’s Cabinet decision would depend on linking the case.




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