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Doting Scottish daughter talks about how her mother’s nausea was pancreatic cancer


Scottish mothers now participate in a national campaign to illuminate the capital purple for the pancreas cancer Consciousness month.

Fiona Campel, 39, from Slateford, EdinburghWe are in contact with businesses in the city and elsewhere to participate.

Homes, businesses and landmarks across the UK, hosted by, will be part of the drive on Thursday, November 18th.

After Fiona died of her mother Linda Campbell from pancreatic cancer on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, at the age of 65.

With her brother, Shauna, Heather and Laura said Edinburgh Live She was an “amazing” and “respected” woman.

As a result of participating in the campaign, Fiona has joined Marischal College, EICC, Summerhall, Camera of Skull, Balmoral Clock Tower, ESMS, Kings Theater, Napier University, Craig Rocker Toegg, Dundee House (Coastfin Heritage Center), West Lothian Civic Center. , Aberdeen’s Marischal College, Discovery Point, RSS Discovery Dundee, Caird Hall Dundee, Blackpool Tower. motion.

Jackson’s mother, 10, says she wants to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer, especially to make people aware of the symptoms and survival of pancreatic cancer. rice field.

She hopes this in turn improves survival and pancreatic cancer research.

Regarding her mother’s illness and diagnosis, Fiona said: She visited the GP three times, each time returning home with an anti-illness drug.

“After calling NHS24 on Boxing Day, an ambulance was sent home, but after reviewing her main statistics, they told her that she was likely to have a gallbladder and told the GP to follow up. I did.

“But on December 29, my mother went out in search of fresh air, where my sister noticed that her skin was jaundice. After calling NHS24 again, A + E And on January 2, 2019, we were told that Mama had inoperable pancreatic cancer. She was given a survival period of 6 months. ..

“Another tumor was found in the mother’s lungs, which was also a primary cancer. It did not spread from the pancreas. It caused problems because it is now between the two areas. It took her five months to be formally diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Not only was this a disastrous wait, but it also provided financial support as her mother had not been officially diagnosed. It meant that I couldn’t claim it.

Linda was given 6 months to live
Linda was given 6 months to live

“Mom died in Marie Curie Edinburgh on December 11, 2019. She was such a fighter. She spent a long time with us during her positive attitude towards life and the final year. I believe it was.

“I didn’t hear much about pancreatic cancer before my mom was diagnosed, so it’s now very important to raise awareness so that people can be diagnosed faster and have better survival.

“We need more money for our research, hoping that one day our families will no longer have to experience our heartache.

“Note that this is part of a broader campaign, not my campaign. Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Exercise-I’ve just been involved through Pancreatic Cancer UK.

“But send an email to introduce yourself to more than 100 landmarks and buildings in Scotland (and the UK), explain why raising awareness is so important, and illuminate the venue to ask if you want to attend. I did.

“If someone wants to light up the house, that’s great. You can also add details and photos to Create and share pages on social media using the following hashtags: #PurpleLightsUK #WPCD #ItsAboutTime # PancreaticCancer # PancreaticCancerAwareness. ”

Balmoral was lit up prior to the event
Balmoral was lit up prior to the event

Linda has always lived a life doing something for others and was also recognized for organizing events for older people to stay active.

Regarding her mother as a person, she said: She lived every day as if it was her last.

“She grew up in Cremiston, but has lived and worked in the Gorgui and Chandon areas for over 40 years. To be honest, she made friends everywhere: churches, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods. She was a very fun and adorable person, be it a stranger or a stranger. She was a beautician for most of her work before moving to the redundant MacFarlan Smith (Johnson Matthey) 11 years ago. was.

“From there, she got a job at Collington Care’s home, first as a caregiver and then as an activity coordinator.

“Mom has been recognized for her diligence throughout her life, but is very proud to be nominated for the Scottish Care Awards 2018 in a meaningful activity category with her colleague Linda.

“More than 300 people attended the mother’s funeral, showing how much she was loved.”

Fiona believes the disease deserves more recognition, and surprisingly added that less than 7% of patients with pancreatic cancer survive in the UK for more than five years.

More than 10,000 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year in the UK, half of those diagnosed die within 3 months, and survival rates have been found to have improved little over the last 45 years. She says this needs to be changed.

For more information on the campaign, please visit: Or visit the following website for advice on pancreatic cancer:





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