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RSV vaccine given during pregnancy protects newborns: Pfizer

RSV vaccine given during pregnancy protects newborns: Pfizer


1 NOVEMBER 2022 – New trial data from drug company Pfizer show promising results for a vaccine given to mothers during pregnancy, followed by the worst effects of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) after birth. Protect a 1 month old baby.

Pfizer will apply for FDA approval by the end of the year, the company said in a statement Tuesday.

The trial results are so encouraging that the company will stop enrolling new people in the study after discussions with government regulators.

Specifically, the company reported that the vaccine was particularly effective in preventing severe disease during the first 90 days of life, with measurable protection against severe disease lasting up to 6 months of age. (This is the time when the infant is most vulnerable if she catches RSV.)

RSV is a respiratory illness that can affect anyone and is usually asymptomatic or causes cold-like symptoms. But it’s especially dangerous, and even fatal, for babies and those over the age of 65. Pfizer and another pharmaceutical company, GSK, are developing a promising vaccine for the elderly. Washington Post report.

RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants, Position OK.

The Pfizer study, called MATISSE, enrolled 7,400 pregnant women in 18 countries around the world. Vaccines were vaccinated during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The woman participating in the study was monitored for safety during the remainder of her pregnancy and for her six months after her child was born. Infants were monitored for safety and efficacy for at least 1 year. More than half of them were monitored during her two years.

Pfizer vaccines work by passing the mother’s antibodies to the baby during pregnancy. Position Other vaccines transmitted by maternal immunity have been reported to include influenza, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines.

Each year, RSV has a devastating effect on young children, causing tens of thousands of hospitalizations and up to 300 deaths. data show.

For every 100 children under 6 months with RSV, 1 or 2 of them will need to be hospitalized. According to the CDCHospitalized infants may require oxygen, intubation, or even a ventilator to help them breathe.

According to the CDC, “Most people get better with this type of supportive care and leave the hospital within a few days.

“We think this is a big step in protecting babies from RSV and improving overall lung health,” said vaccine researcher Dr. Barney Graham. Position“Overall, it’s an exciting time for RSV. It’s also a troubling time as we see how COVID has changed transmission patterns. and has caused many hospitalizations and misery for the people.”

Four RSV vaccines could be submitted to the FDA this year, according to the FDA. CNNIt is also developing an antibody injection that will be given to infants shortly after birth, the news agency reported.

Pfizer’s data, released Tuesday, has not yet been published or peer-reviewed, but the company said it is seeking peer-reviewed publication.

Dr. Annalisa Anderson, Chief Scientific Officer, Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, said: statement. “We are working with the FDA and other regulatory agencies to make this vaccine candidate available to expectant mothers to prevent severe disease in infants during the most vulnerable period, the first six months of life, when the burden of RSV disease in infants is highest. We look forward to helping you protect against RSV.”




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