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5 things to know about this early flu season

5 things to know about this early flu season


1. Influenza is prevalent.

according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FluView ReportInfluenza activity is on the rise nationwide, and influenza hospitalization rates are now the highest in a decade. hospitalization rate Adults over the age of 65 had the highest rate (18.6 per 100,000), followed by children under five (13.6 per 100,000). The metric used to track flu deaths is starting to rise. In areas that haven’t had a lot of flu yet, the flu will come. Now is the perfect time to get yourself, your staff and your patients vaccinated.

2. Multiple groups of influenza viruses are prevalent this season.

So far, H3N2 influenza viruses have been the most common, but recently the proportion of H1N1 influenza viruses has increased. Because the flu vaccine protects him from four different viruses, he is susceptible to other flu viruses, so vaccination efforts should continue even for those who have already had the flu this season. Now is the perfect time to get yourself, your staff and your patients vaccinated.

3. So far, laboratory data suggests that vaccination with this season’s flu vaccine provokes an immune response against most viruses seen this season.

Most of the influenza viruses studied this season are genetically related to the vaccine viruses in this season’s vaccine. Antibodies produced in ferrets against current vaccine viruses also indicate that antibodies from vaccination with this season’s influenza vaccine respond well to most of this season’s influenza viruses. The data are encouraging as they relate to how effectively this season’s flu vaccine protects against influenza. Now is the perfect time to get yourself, your staff and your patients vaccinated.

4. Fewer people are getting flu shots this season.

Fewer people are being vaccinated this season. Adult influenza vaccination data show that pharmacies and clinics have administered more than 4 million fewer doses of vaccine this season than last season. Of particular concern to pregnant women, overall flu vaccination rates at the end of October 2022 are nearly 12 percentage points lower than at the end of October 2021 and more than 21 percentage points lower than at the end of October 2020. is that Because I haven’t been vaccinated yet, I’m more susceptible to the flu.

5. As a health care professional, your strong recommendation is an important factor in whether a patient receives the flu vaccine.

Your strong recommendation and offer of vaccination will determine whether the patient chooses to be vaccinated. The CDC recommends the “SHARE” method for successful campaigns.

  • S: Please share why the flu vaccine is suitable for your patient considering age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors.

  • H: Where appropriate, highlight flu vaccine experience (personal or in practice) to reinforce benefits and increase confidence in flu vaccination.

  • A: Address patient questions and concerns about influenza vaccines (side effects, safety, vaccine efficacy, etc.) in plain, easy-to-understand language. Even people who get the flu vaccine can still get sick, but admit there are studies that show the illness may not be as severe.

  • R: Educate patients that the flu vaccine can help protect them and their loved ones from serious flu illness and complications leading to hospitalization and death.

  • E: Describe the potential costs of contracting the flu. This includes the potential serious health impact for patients, lost time (e.g. missed work or family obligations), economic costs, and the potential for spreading the flu to more vulnerable family members and friends. It is included.

Now is the perfect time to put these tips into action and vaccinate yourself, your staff and your patients.

For more information on strong flu vaccine recommendations, visit Available from CDC.


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