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Are you thinking of starting a family?There are some things you need to know to give birth

Are you thinking of starting a family?There are some things you need to know to give birth


Childbirth consultant Dr. Apurva Satish Amarnath shares exclusive tips for increasing childbirth and starting a family or planning.

Starting a family is one of the most exciting times in an individual’s life. As humans, we like to make informed decisions after thoroughly considering all the pros and cons of the situation. Being agile, we tend to prepare for the reality of what it means to have children.

Our understanding of family planning has changed over time. Most of us live a fairly busy and stressful life due to our fast-paced lifestyle and career orientation. Recent family planning requires lifestyle and health habits to change to increase the chances of childbirth.

Infertility has become a major problem in today’s world. According to WHO data, 48 million couples and 186 million individuals worldwide have childbirth problems. Unfortunately, the problem of infertility is still in a hurry today, and it lacks the basic awareness around it that can be overwhelming. Given how common it is to give birth in the lives of many couples, there is absolutely nothing to hide about giving birth.

Several social changes have affected parent-child relationships. Couples have postponed their decision to have children for a number of reasons, including finances, fast career tracking, and late marriage. After that, the proportion of couples giving birth increases as they get older. It goes without saying that as women grow older, their ability to conceive and give birth to children becomes more difficult.

Starting a family is a personal privilege, but if you’re thinking of starting a family plan, here’s what you need to know:

A balanced diet for childbirth

As we know, one of the key factors in improving our health is a balanced diet. A healthy diet leads to a healthy body, which definitely increases your chances of getting pregnant. A balanced nutritional diet becomes more important for people with basic infertility-related problems. Iron, calcium, folic acid, zinc, etc. are some of the most effective birth boosters.

Change your lifestyle to give birth

Change your eating habits, change your daily life, keep moving, Stopping positive thinking, meditation, and tobacco and alcohol overdose can greatly help speed up your chances of getting pregnant. These lifestyle changes should be made after pregnancy, as a healthy lifestyle guarantees a life that minimizes lifestyle-related health problems.

Brings some peace to your sleep

Studies show that there is a correlation between lack of deep sleep and infertility. It shows that lack of sleep causes fundamental changes in hormonal levels, increasing the likelihood of infertility. Doctors say that people who sleep poorly for long periods of time may face some health-related problems, including low fertility rates.

Vitamins and multivitamins

Since sunlight is a direct source of vitamin D, it is an excellent source of vitamins for increasing fertility in both men and women. Studies show that vitamin D increases the female hormones progesterone and estrogen. Vitamin E is also one of the essential vitamins, which help hormones regulate the menstrual cycle and give birth. It is also recommended by a certified doctor that taking multivitamin supplements can help reduce the likelihood of ovulation problems.

When should I contact a fertility specialist?

After a year of unsuccessful natural pregnancy, it is said that you should seek the intervention of a birth consultant. But what most people don’t know is that just before a couple starts looking for a child, they need to look for a basic birth check to find out where they are from a childbirth perspective. It is a big misconception that seeking the advice of a birth consultant is like relying on IVF treatment. Not all couples need fertility treatment, and whatever treatment policy is proposed, it is the couple’s subjectivity.

Some important options you can explore at the IVF Clinic:

1. AMH Level Test-Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test is used to check a woman’s abilities This test also shows how many eggs are available to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy. The potential egg cells are in women. The test acts as a determinant of childbirth You can plan your pregnancy because you have a fair idea of ​​where the woman is standing.

2. Hormone therapy-hormone therapy aims to promote egg maturation and triggering. Ovulation that enhances fertilization success.Some of the important hormones Progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test, and human placenta. Lactogen test.

3. IUI-Insemination (IUI) is an ovulation inducer that helps place sperm Directly to the woman’s womb.

4. ICSI-Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a type of IVF in which a single sperm is present. Infused into mature eggs.

5. Birth Surgery-Birth problems caused by certain conditions It is corrected through surgery to give birth.Some of the problems of women’s childbirth It can solve endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps, and other problems. Reproductive organs.

6. Advanced technology – Advanced technology such as PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) Test), ERA (Endometrial Receptive Analysis), MACS (Magnetic Activated Cell Selection), Assistance to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

The move to consult a specially trained doctor on childbirth issues is a major step. People with childbirth problems often deny or speculate about the need to see a specialist.

To get the correct answer, it’s best to do one step at a time. This helps couples make the right decisions. Several types of fertility treatments are available, starting with simple interventions such as medications to help women ovulate and more complex procedures such as assisted reproductive technology (ART), but appropriate from fertility specialists. Counseling not only helps treat infertility, but also helps you understand the type of treatment you need. Take that first step and seek the right advice from the right people. Then the rest will continue.

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