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Patients with coronavirus infection could not work for a year


Amy Mullineux endures a long COVID that makes it impossible to work.  (SWNS)

Amy Mullineux endures a long COVID that makes it impossible to work. (SWNS)

Long-term patients with coronavirus infection have been unable to work for more than a year after being infected Coronavirus.

Amy Marineu, 44, lost her sense of taste and smell after returning to London from her native Australia in January 2020, before mass testing for coronavirus was possible.

Two months later, Mullineux endured migraines, dizziness, and persistent fatigue, and was extremely tired and unable to walk to the end.

Sixteen months after the development of the apparent numbness of the coronavirus, Mullineux improved somewhat, but still can’t work in the boxing job of web orders.

read more: Long-term COVID patients “recovered” after prioritizing rest

Not everyone who overcomes the coronavirus returns to good health.

In the UK alone, tens of thousands of former coronavirus carriers are thought to have tolerated complications such as brain fog, movement, and even organ damage after being tested negative for infection.

Official advice is that long-term COVID patients participate in online support forums and Set realistic goals for recovery.

Mullineux's persistent fatigue meant she had a hard time walking to the side of the road.  (SWNS)

Mullineux’s persistent fatigue meant she had a hard time walking to the side of the road. (SWNS)

“After returning from Australia in January 2020, I lost my sense of taste and smell,” says Mullineux.

“In March, I had the worst illness I had ever experienced, such as migraines and dizziness. [and an] Stomach upset, followed by fatigue.

“For many, that would be the end of COVID. [the disease caused by the coronavirus], I still live together.

read more: Personal trainers have health concerns after enduring a year long COVID

“I was working in a factory, but I had to quit my job because I felt swelling and exhaustion.

“There have been several ear problems, rashes and difficult recurrences. People really don’t understand how serious and protracted COVID-19 can be.”

Although not recommended by official guidance, Mullineux found that dietary adaptation promoted recovery.

“The virus hurt me, but after working with experts to research the available ingredients, I found that certain foods, supplements, and diets are essential for symptomatology relief, for example, vitamin D. , Vitamin B, probiotics, etc., “she said.

“People suffering from coronavirus infections should be kind to themselves, listen to their voices day by day, and celebrate the little breakthrough moments.”

Mullineux is a fan of free talks from the University of Plymouth and backed by the British Dietitians Association, talking about how a person’s diet affects the long-term recovery of COVID.

read more: Long-term COVID patients “have good days and bad days”

“To stay physically and mentally healthy, it’s important to have a proper diet and recover from COVID-19,” said Mary Hixson, a professor of nutrition at the University of Plymouth. An important part of this is to ensure that your diet is healthy. “

“This series of talks aims to answer questions about what to eat and why.

“We are also looking at how to check and manage your diet and health. This is very important.

“COVID-19 has changed the lives of everyone, so the more we can do to educate and disseminate this information, the better.”

Watch: What is Coronavirus Disease?

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