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White Britons are a minority in Britain’s two largest cities, new figures show.

White Britons are a minority in Britain’s two largest cities, new figures show.


29 Nov 2022, 23:14 | Updated: 11/29/2022, 23:24

White Britons are a minority in London and Birmingham. Photo: Getty

New census figures show that for the first time since records began, white people in Britain are a minority in Britain’s two largest cities, London and Birmingham.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), London’s white British population accounted for 4.5 million people, or 37% of London’s capital in 2021. This is down from 4.9 million or 45% in 2011.

Meanwhile, Birmingham’s white British population was 581,000 in 2011 (52% of the city). This number has fallen to 43% (491,000) in 2021.

According to the ONS study, the figures show “the increasingly multicultural society we live in”.

Several other smaller cities, such as Leicester and Luton, are now in parts of the country where people who identify as white form a minority of the population.

Around 14 local authorities identified more than half of their usual residents as an ethnic group other than white, with the highest rates in the London boroughs of Newham (69.2%), Brent (65.4%) and Redbridge (65.2%).

The highest proportion of people of color outside of London is Slough in Berkshire (64.0%), followed by Leicester (59.1%), Luton (54.8%) and Birmingham (51.4%).

Across England and Wales as a whole, the number of people who identify as racially white has also declined by about 500,000 over the past decade.

On the day of the 2021 Census, ONS said about 81.7% of residents in both countries were white, down from 86.0% a decade earlier.

The second most common ethnic group in England and Wales was “Asian, British or Asian Welsh” at 9.3%, up from 7.5% in 2011.

Meanwhile, the number of people who describe themselves as Christians in England and Wales fell below 50 per cent for the first time, ONS said.

All other religions in the country either increased or stayed the same, as the data show that between 2011 and 2021 the number of people who identified as Muslim increased from 1.2 million to 3.9 million.

Christians are still the largest religious group in England and Wales with 46.2% of the population, with ‘no religion’ coming second with 37.2%. A 12% increase over the same period.

According to the Archbishop of York, data show that England and Wales “have moved away from a time when many people were almost automatically identified as Christians”.

London is the most religiously diverse area in the UK, with 25.3% reporting a religion other than Christianity. This figure is the least religiously diverse, with 4.2% in the Northeast and 3.2% in the Southwest.

National disintegration in England and Wales. Photo: ONS census data was taken in 2021. Photo: ONS

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The number of English-speaking people in England and Wales as their primary language in 2021 also declined from 92.3% in 2011, compared to 91.1% for general residents aged 3 years and over.

In 2021, the most common major languages ​​other than English (English or Welsh in Wales) are:

Polish (1.1%, 612,000) Romanian (0.8%, 472,000) Panjabi (0.5%, 291,000) Urdu (0.5%, 270,000)

Romanian increased most in usage in 2021, with 0.8% (472,000) using it as their primary language. This is an increase from 0.1% (68,000) in 2011.

The number of native speakers of English has declined. Photo: ONS

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell said, “It’s not surprising that the census shows that fewer people in this country identify as Christians than in the past,” he said. But it still poses challenges for us.” We have to do our part to make Christ known as well as the earth.”

“Today’s data highlights the increasingly multicultural society we live in,” said Jon Wroth-Smith, Deputy Census Director.

“The percentage of people who identify as ‘white: English, Welsh, Scots, Northern Irish or British’ continues to decline.

“While this remains the most common answer to the racial group question, the number of people identifying as other racial groups continues to grow.

“But the picture is different depending on where you live. London remains the most ethnically diverse area in the UK, with less than two-thirds identifying as an ethnic minority group, while less than one in 10 people in the North East identify as an ethnic minority group. It’s possible.

“However, despite the racially diverse nature of society, across England and Wales, nine out of 10 people still have a British national identity, and in London nearly eight out of 10 do so.”




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