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People killed in Israeli West Bank raid as US, EU sanction more settlers | Israel's War on Gaza News

People killed in Israeli West Bank raid as US, EU sanction more settlers |  Israel's War on Gaza News


At least five Palestinians, including a teenager, were killed during an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank town of Tulkarem.

Friday's escalation of violence came as the United States and European Union imposed more sanctions against extremist Israeli settlers engaged in violence against Palestinians in the occupied territories.

A 16-year-old boy who was shot by Israeli forces with live ammunition was among those killed, Palestinian health officials said. The boy identified as Qais Fathi Nasrallah arrived at Tulkarem hospital after already succumbing to his injuries.

Al Jazeeras' Zein Basravi, reporting from Tulkarem, said the Israeli army entered the Nur Shams refugee camp late Thursday night, in an operation that lasted several hours and s is extended until Friday.

He said armed clashes continued between the army and Palestinian resistance fighters, during which people were killed.

One of them was the leader of the Tulkarem Resistance Brigade, the battalion of about 50 men based in Tulkarem, a man named Mohammed Jaber, Basravi said, adding that Jaber had been targeted in the past and that his brother had been killed in December.

This very dramatic escalation of events in the occupied West Bank as part of this ongoing raid appears to have succeeded in targeting Mohammed Jaber, he added.

During the raid, dozens of houses were destroyed and demolished, the Al Jazeeras correspondent said.

Israeli soldiers raided homes and carried out interrogations on the spot. Residents describe the chaos perpetrated by the Israeli army as the worst destruction of infrastructure they have seen in the West Bank since the destruction of the Jenin refugee camp during World War II. Intifada in the early 2000s.

The West Bank, which Israel has occupied since 1967, has seen a surge in violence over the past year, particularly since the start of Israel's war on Gaza in October.

At least 468 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces or settlers in the West Bank since October 7, according to official Palestinian sources.

In Gaza, the Israeli war has killed 34,000 Palestinians and injured more than 76,800 others.

American and European sanctions against settlers

Meanwhile, on Friday, the US and EU imposed more sanctions on Israeli settlers involved in violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

The EU said the European Council imposed sanctions on four extremist Israeli settlers and two entities for serious human rights violations against Palestinians.

The EU has placed two radical organizations, Lehava and Hilltop Youth, on its asset freeze and visa ban blacklist for their attacks on Palestinians.

It also included Hilltop Youth leaders Meir Ettinger and Elisha Yered, as well as Neria settlers Ben Pazi and Yinon Levi.

It said the abuses included torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and violation of the rights to property and private and family life of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Separately, the United States announced that it was adding Ben-Zion Gopstein, founder and leader of Lehava, to its own blacklist.

Washington also imposed sanctions on two groups involved in collecting tens of thousands of dollars for settlers Yinon Levi and David Chai Chasdai, which had been targeted by its previous sanctions, the Treasury Department said in a statement.

Washington had already sanctioned five settlers and two unauthorized outposts in the West Bank in two rounds of sanctions.

One entity, Mount Hebron Fund, launched an online fundraising campaign that raised $140,000 for Levi, Treasury said, after he was sanctioned on Feb. 1 for leading a group of settlers who attacked Palestinian and Bedouin civilians, burned their fields and destroyed their properties.

It says the second entity, Shlom Asiraich, raised $31,000 on a crowdfunding website for Chasdai, who the United States says initiated and led a riot that included burning vehicles and buildings and causing material damage in Huwara, leading to the death of a Palestinian. civil.

Such acts carried out by these organizations undermine the peace, security and stability of the West Bank. We will continue to use our tools to hold those responsible accountable, said Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo.




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