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The British Polar Research Ship almost sank Cammell Laird.


Andy Bounds

The British public called Boaty McBoatface, a polar survey vessel, made a serious hole in the finances of British shipbuilder Cammell Laird and called for emergency shareholder assistance.

Birkenhead Yard incurred a loss of £37.4 million in a £200 million contract to build the ship, which was eventually named Sir David Attonborough and had to be rescued by shareholders, an account disclosed at the end of December said . In addition, a damage fee of £15.8 million was charged.

The Peel Group, a real estate and investment group owned by John Whittaker, and DWS, the wealth management division of Deutsche Bank, invested an undisclosed amount in 2019 to prevent the 200-year-old company from going aground.

The 15,000-ton British Antarctic probe has been the largest custom ship ever built at Birkenhead since 1992. It was launched two years later in 2019, and management recognized it as a bigger challenge than expected.

“We have learned several lessons. It was a very complex project,” said Mark Whitworth, Director of Cammell Laird, to The Financial Times.

According to the account for the year ended March 31, 2019, shareholders were forced to put in “significant additional funds” due to “significant cash flow pressures”. A net cash of £13.7 million was leaked, leaving the bank with £3.6 million.

The group’s auditors ended the business with continued concern only after “considering the continued support identified by the company owners”.

Cammell Laird posted a pre-tax loss of £3560m from £897,000 the previous year, and sales fell from £154.2m to £88.6m.

Whitworth said he was responsible for the damage because the larger companies will be carrying out such projects in the future as part of a consortium that can take on price risk.

The government wanted to use UK shipyards to boost the UK shipbuilding industry, and it garnered attention through an online public survey to name ships. The name Boaty McBoatface took first place in the polls, but was rejected and used on an unmanned submarine carrying instead.

The 128m ship can penetrate 1m thick ice and has laboratories and accommodations capable of accommodating 30 crew members, up to 60 scientists and support personnel.


Founded in the 1820s, Cammell Laird closed in 1993, but revived the following year as a repair business. Owner John Syvret regained the name Cammell Laird in 2007 and began to build small ships and parts of the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Syvret was the chairman and owned 25%. Peel and DWS bought him in July and he left the company. They were drafted by David McGinley, who runs shipbuilders A&P in the same group as chief executive officer.

Whitworth, CEO of Peel Ports, said shareholders now oversee management and Laird has a “strong business pipeline”. There is no plan to put in more than 900 people, he said. “We are very eager to support our business because of our long-term potential.”

A consortium with BAE Systems, Babcock International and Rolls-Royce is bidding for a £1 billion contract to build at least two naval support ships and five Type 31e frigates for the UK. Serves other naval support ships and has a 10-year contract for work on nuclear submarines and frigates.

The sale of Laird was part of the deal when the Australian Super, an pension fund in February, invested in Peel Ports. A 25% stake was required, with Peel at 37.6% and DWS at 37.4%.

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