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Details emerge in Rebel Wilson's claims about asshole Sacha Baron Cohen

Details emerge in Rebel Wilson's claims about asshole Sacha Baron Cohen


New details have emerged in a chapter of Rebel Wilson's forthcoming memoir in which she writes about how she was allegedly treated by Sacha Baron Cohen on the set of a film they starred in together several years ago.

The book has been in the news since last week, when Wilson publicly claimed that an anonymous Hollywood asshole was trying to stop media coverage of his work. She later revealed that the asshole I talk about in ONE CHAPTER of my book is: Sacha Baron Cohen.

While we appreciate the importance of speaking out, these blatantly false claims are directly contradicted by extensive and detailed evidence, including contemporary documents, film footage, and eyewitness accounts from those who were present before, during, and after production of The Brothers Grimsbya spokesperson for Baron Cohen told the Daily Beast on Monday.

People has now released details of the chapter from Wilson's book, The rise of the rebelsabout the production of the R-rated comedy film. She previously spoken about his experiences on set.

Once filming began, Wilson reportedly wrote, “I felt like every time I spoke to SBC he mentioned that he wanted me to go naked in a future scene.” I was like, Ha, I don't do nudity, Sacha.

While filming at a football stadium in Cape Town, South Africa, Wilson writes that she was summoned by Baron Cohen through a production assistant to say I needed to film a scene additional.

Okay, well, we were going to film this extra scene, SBC says, Wilson writes. Then he drops his pants… SBC says in a very neutral tone: Okay, now I want you to put your finger in my ass. And I say to myself: What?? … No!!

She later said in her book that she was afraid. I wanted to get out of there, so I finally compromised: I slapped him and improvised a few lines as the character.

Representatives of Baron Cohen gave People the same statement denying Wilson's allegations. They also provided the magazine with anonymous statements purportedly from people who also worked on the film, including five who said they witnessed the scene in Cape Town and disputed Wilson's version of what happened.

An anonymous producer said that Wilson read and approved the script in advance, and that it contained the detail of his character attempting to stick a finger up Sacha's character's butt. At no point did Sacha ask him to put a finger up his butt, the anonymous producer reportedly wrote, adding that Wilson was treated with the utmost respect and empowerment.

A writer-producer also claimed the scene was scripted. Wilson's sister, Liberty, and a friend said People that Wilson spoke to them shortly after the Cape Town incident and told them what had happened.

Wilson reportedly wrote in her book that she spoke to her agent and a lawyer and was encouraged to be professional and finish the film, and then sought to deal with what had happened by trying to laugh about it.

After the reshoot apparently included a sex scene and several months, Wilson writes, “It really sank in that the whole thing was not something to laugh about.” I let the producers know that I would not be doing any promotion for the film.

She reportedly went on to note that the film blew up, which, for me, was enough karma. I don't want to cancel anyone and that's not my motivation for sharing this story, she wrote, according to People. I'm sharing my story now because the more women talk about things like this, I hope the less of this happens.




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