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Finally, Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opens in Irvine – Orange County Register

Finally, Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opens in Irvine – Orange County Register


If you think in-person shopping is dead or a recession is brewing, you weren't there at the outdoor grand opening of Bass Pro Shops in Irvine.

Or, if you want to see how retailers are surviving online retail or a supposed economic downturn, you should have been there early Wednesday evening.

Let’s set the scene. Before the official ribbon-cutting ceremony, guests enjoyed approximately an hour of country music, presentations from superstars of the fishing world, as well as a Bass Pro-clad race car. What else would you expect from a hunting and fishing retailer with roots in Missouri?

The crowd in the parking lot was dense enough that latecomers waited an hour after opening to enter the store. You see, this is only the second Outdoor World in the area, with the other store in Rancho Cucamonga.

Being “rare” is not enough to create lasting buzz. This atypical big-box retailer creates what industry insiders call a “destination” shopping experience: A typical shopper travels more than 30 miles to one of 90 Bass Pros across the country and spends more than 2 hours shopping inside.

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It starts with a look. If you've visited a Bass Pro, you know the construction details, inside and out. The brand's iconic exterior is a twist on a high-rise hunting lodge. This may seem strange for Orange County, but we are also home to the curious images of Disneyland.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opened its doors on Wednesday, March 27 in Irvine to a huge crowd and lots of entertainment.  Notable celebrities from the world of fishing, racing and country music were on hand to welcome guests from the first day of opening.  (Jonathan Lansner/SCNG, Orange County Register)
Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opened its doors on Wednesday, March 27 in Irvine to a huge crowd and lots of entertainment. Notable celebrities from the world of fishing, racing and country music were on hand to welcome guests from the first day of opening. (Jonathan Lansner/SCNG, Orange County Register)

As you enter the 140,000-square-foot store beneath a sign reading “Fishers, Hunters, and Other Liars Welcome,” eyes turn to a tribute to the surrounding community. The walls of the store almost have a museum atmosphere in homage to the region.

Bass Pros are known for their huge aquariums. The Irvine water feature pays homage to the nearby Black Star Canyon waterfall. Elsewhere, there are artistic peaks in the Santa Ana Mountains, Newport Beach and Diamond Valley Lake in Riverside County. And there are also many wall-mounted woods.

Design curve

This is a fabulous redevelopment of the site near the I-5 exit in Alton that previously had mixed success.

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The massive store along Technology Drive was once a Sears home furnishing experiment, curiously named “The Great Indoors.” This was followed by a Walmart Supercenter which closed in 2021. To be fair, there is a always crowded Costco at the other end of the mall.

Nearly two years ago, Bass Pro and landlord Irvine Co. agreed to lease terms. Construction seemingly took forever, an effort whose duration is best explained by seeing the new store.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opened Wednesday, March 27 in Irvine.  The outfitter's huge store is designed with local touches throughout.  (Jonathan Lansner/SCNG, Orange County Register)
Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opened Wednesday, March 27 in Irvine. The outfitter's huge store is designed with local touches throughout. (Jonathan Lansner/SCNG, Orange County Register)

Bass Pro was way ahead of the design curve. Mainstream sporting goods stores can no longer compete with online sellers if their space is simply cluttered with aisles of merchandise. Just look at Dick's in Mission Viejo or Fashion Island.

But if careful architecture guaranteed retail wealth, the list of successful retailers would be long. A key to what makes Bass Pro the founder and Johnny Morris, CEO a billionaire is what's available in the aisles.

Much of the merchandise comes from brands owned or controlled by the retailer, or products from other brands exclusive to the chain. This keeps margins high and helps pay for expensive decor.

Outside frequently?

You don't have to be an outdoorsman, fisherman or hunter to stop by here.

Yes, they seem to have all the equipment or clothing needed for these outdoor activities. Did I mention fishing boats and all-terrain vehicles?

But if you're just out and about frequently, this store might come in handy. Southern Californians, perhaps surprised by all of this year's weather events, might find the trip valuable.

Or maybe you need a better folding chair for watching the kids play sports or for an outdoor concert? Or new barbecue utensils or spices? How about some trail snacks or treats? Or various trinkets that could decorate a house or a garden?

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opened Wednesday, March 27 in Irvine.  The outfitter is known for its large aquariums filled with local fish.  (Jonathan Lansner/SCNG, Orange County Register)
Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World opened Wednesday, March 27 in Irvine. The outfitter is known for its large aquariums filled with local fish. (Jonathan Lansner/SCNG, Orange County Register)

And then there are those damn trucker hats.

Somehow, a $6 hat with a large Bass Pro logo has become a hot fashion item. (Full disclosure: I own two!)

On opening night, many shoppers had stacks of these different colored caps in their carts. The store even sold an upgraded version for $15 each with a Bass Pro logo, a small map of California, and the words Irvine CA embroidered on it.

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This is how online shopping is thwarted. How to survive recessions. Basically, it's a question of branding.

Jonathan Lansner is the Southern California News Group's business columnist. He can be contacted at [email protected]




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