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Bollywood, bhangra, butter chicken: the Punjabi street festival returns to Griffith

Bollywood, bhangra, butter chicken: the Punjabi street festival returns to Griffith


Indian drumming

The first Punjabi Mela attracted more than 800 people in 2023. Photo: Visit Griffith.

A global Indian-themed festival which commemorates the start of the harvest will return to Griffith on Saturday (April 20) after a successful inaugural event was held in the town last year.

The local Indian community, Wellways mental health service, WIN TV and Griffith Real Estate (GRE) have joined forces to present Punjabi Mela, which raises awareness of suicide.

Organizer Nick Chauhan of Griffith Real Estate said there would be Indian food stalls, live Bollywood-style music and dancing on Kooyoo Street from 6 p.m.

Last year, Wellways contacted Tony Santolin of Griffith Real Estate to organize a charity event together to raise awareness of the services Wellways offers, and we thought we would associate ourselves with Punjabi culture, he said.

There is a global festival called Vaisakhi, which originated in the northern Indian state of Punjab. It celebrates the harvest and was held in India on April 13 and 14.

In Griffith, we arrive at the end of the harvest and the wheat is [commencing], because it corresponds to our agricultural town. We launched it as a one-off last year, but we had such a great response that we decided to make it bigger and better this year.

Indian women

There will be a lot of colorful outfits at Punjabi Mela. Photo: Griffith.

“Mela” is an Indian word which means gathering.

More than 2,300 people in Griffith are of Indian descent, with the majority coming from the state of Punjab, famous for its rich cuisine.

Local Indian restaurants Swaad Punjab Da and Apra Curry House will have stalls; they will prepare samosas, curries like butter chicken and freshly made naan, Mr. Chauhan said.

Last year we had a token system, which meant some people had to wait, but we've removed it this year so you can go straight to the caterer.

Another change from 2023, alcohol will be served by mobile bar The Perfect Pour, run by Kylie Barrington and Laura De Mamiel. The duo launched this unique business last year and offers beer, wine, champagne and cocktails for events, as well as bar staff, snacks, a portable bar and a cool room.

Laura De Mamiel and Kylie Barrington enjoy a bottle of champagne

Laura De Mamiel and Kylie Barrington of The Perfect Pour will be serving drinks. Photo: Olivier Jacques.

Sydney-based DJ Pami will lead the entertainment and there will also be a projector showcasing the history of Indian migration to the Griffith region. There will also be a traditional Indian folk dance known as bhangra.

Mr Chauhan said around 800 to 1,000 people attended the event last year.

Its free entry; we were just asking people to come and have fun,” he said. Wellways staff will also be on hand if you need someone to chat with. Well, contribute to the funds raised at Wellways and another local charity.

Further information about Punjabi Mela Griffith can be found on his the Facebook page.

If you or someone you know needs help, you can contact:
Lifelines 24-hour crisis helpline 13 11 14
Suicide callback service 1300 659 467
Child helpline 1800 551 800 or
MensLine Australia 1300 789 978.




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