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List of US bridge collapses caused by ships and barges – NBC4 Washington

List of US bridge collapses caused by ships and barges – NBC4 Washington


A container ship hit a major bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to plunge into the river below.

From 1960 to 2015, there were 35 major bridge collapses worldwide due to collisions with ships or barges, with a total of 342 people killed, according to a 2018 report from the World Association for Infrastructure. water transport. Eighteen of these collapses occurred in the United States.

Below is a list of some of the notable disasters involving ships or barges hitting bridges in the United States:

Biloxi, Mississippi: 2009

March 20, 2009: A ship pushing eight barges struck the Popp's Ferry Bridge in Biloxi, Mississippi, causing a 150-foot section of the bridge to collapse into the bay.

Webbers Falls, Oklahoma: 2002

May 26, 2002: A barge hits the Interstate 40 bridge over the Arkansas River in Webbers Falls, Oklahoma, collapsing a 500-foot section of road and plunging vehicles into the water. Fourteen people died and 11 were injured.

In photos: Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses after being hit by container ship Port Isabel, Texas: 2001

September 15, 2001: A tugboat and barge struck the Queen Isabel Causeway in Port Isabel, Texas, causing a midsection of the 80-foot bridge to fall into the bay below. Eight people died after motorists drove into the hole.

East St. Louis, Illinois: 1998

April 14, 1998: The tug Anne Holly passing through St. Louis Harbor crashed into the center span of the Eads Bridge. Eight barges broke away. Three of them hit a gambling boat permanently moored under the bridge. Fifty people were slightly injured.

Mobile, Alabama: 1993

September 22, 1993: Barges pushed by a tugboat in heavy fog struck and displaced the Big Bayou Canot railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama. Minutes later, an Amtrak train with 220 people on board reached the moved bridge and derailed, killing 47 people and injuring 103 others.

New Orleans, Louisiana: 1993

May 28, 1993: The tugboat Chris, pushing the empty hopper barge DM3021, struck a support level of the Judge William Seeber Bridge in New Orleans. Two spans and the two bent columns collapsed on the barge. Two cars carrying three people fell with the deck of the four-lane bridge into a canal. One person died and two people were seriously injured.

Tampa Bay, Florida: 1980

May 9, 1980: The 609-foot cargo ship Summit Venture was navigating the narrow, winding shipping channel of Florida's Tampa Bay when a sudden, blinding squall knocked out the ship's radar. The ship severed a support from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, dropping a 1,400-foot section of concrete roadway during the morning rush hour. Seven vehicles, including a bus with 26 people on board, fell 150 feet into the water. Thirty-five people died.

Sameh Badie, a professor at George Washington University, uses a bridge model to explain why the Key Bridge couldn't withstand the ship crash.




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